How Islam Spread, by sword or free will

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Amin, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. Amin

    Amin Guest

    Jul 2015
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    Many people may think that Islam spread by sword and because Muslims forced people to convert or they will be dealt with sword. even though the mecca's rulers back in the day rejected Muhammad and continued to torture Muslims. and when Muhammad went to medina, almost all of them embraced him and his message. the reason for Islamic conquests was to make sure they hear the message of prophet Muhammad. we all know there are countries in which non Muslims live with Muslims. Muslims don't make them to follow Islam. So this is enough to back the claim that people were not forced to convert to Islam but they are convinced of Islam.
  2. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Have you actually read the history of the Muslim conquests circa 623–1050s? To call it a bloodbath would be a gross understatement.

    Oh and the Qur'an is pretty clear on this point: "And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do." (8:39)
  3. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    This is something that really bothers me. The Quran has such violent passages, but then you meet these passive, often soft spoken Muslims that say that they're peaceful and the Quran and Allah preaches peace. But the Quran says otherwise. I don't get it. It clearly states that the infidel or the non believer, such as myself should be put to death. As much as I give all Muslims the chance to be honest and peace loving people, in the back of my mind I am thinking about the Quran and the things that are written in them. If you are a true follower and believer in the book, then I know you must of read that passage. And if you have given yourself to it's teaching completely, then I assume you believe and will follow those passages when it suits your needs? Am I stretching this too far guys?
  4. evelin

    evelin Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Guys, guys... what you see on TV aren't muslim people. They're terrorists. Completely different kettle of fish. The Qur'an is harsh, but I've actually encountered very neat Muslim people throughout my life. I do share a mutual feeling with you though... if you try to attack their religion by any means, they will usually have very harsh comebacks as well.
  5. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    I hear you. I've read the Qur'an. I've read the Bible (cover to cover), in two different languages, dozens of times. Both are loaded with violence, though the New Testament is largely pacifistic.

    Here's a thought: why don't we get past ancient, barbaric myths and focus on making the world a better place? Just throwing it out there. ;)
  6. abbasi

    abbasi New Member

    Aug 2015
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    Muslim conquest have nothing to do with spread of Islam. Religions, Culture, Language have been used as tools of wars and that doesn't make that culture or religion responsible. Wars need rallying points!

    Context ? I always laugh at people who have just googled a random verse and have put it out there, without the context in which it was said. It might be worthwhile for you to read Quran plus Tafseer. If you are looking for truth, you'll find it. If you are looking to increase your posts on the forum, thats another matter!
  7. abbasi

    abbasi New Member

    Aug 2015
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    Muslims at one point had such power that they could have wiped out the non-believers (as you said), but that didn't happen. As i have suggested to other fellow brothers, please read the Quran with Tafseer. Try to understand the context when an Ayat was revealed. Try to visualise the time 1400 hrs ago, and see if it fits into the context. Context is the key in everything.
  8. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Nice self-contradiction there. Not to mention the acts of barbarism that occurred during Muhammad's time. Nice try though.

    I have read the Qur'an and I'm familiar with the exegesis. As to the cute, modern propaganda about said, you're not fooling anyone. A plain reading of the text and 1,400+ years of history make it painfully obvious.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
  9. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Islam was partially spread by the sword it's an irrefutable fact. Convert or die. However there are places in the world where Islam spread because people were actually interested in the religion. I assume that in the days of yore most people thought for any religion to spread you had to conquer those you wished to convert first. Charlmagne did the same thing . . .
  10. Hyperion

    Hyperion Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    You appear to be trying to spread a viewpoint using false information, and by just proclaiming others to be wrong because of a few under explained examples. Muslims are responsible for almost all of the violent terrorist acts on the planet. Their civilization have contributed nothing positive to human culture for hundreds of years. How many Muslim Nobel laureates have there been? Compare that to Jews & Christians and you will get the idea. One of the pillars of Islamic faiths (all denominations) is to force the world to submit (which is what the word 'Islam' means) to sharia law. While the vast percentage of Muslim's may not be terrorists, most of them are standing by doing nothing to stop the ones who are. I do not see why so many people just assume everyone should respect such a vile belief system, for fear of being labeled an 'Islamophobe'.

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