This writer calls it like it is. Recommended.
Meh. We really had to go through poor education, facebook having mind control abilities and the Kardashians so we could get to a conclusion that "pullbacks are a good buying opportunity?" He is not wrong, of course pullbacks are a good buying opportunity but I just don't see how the Kardashians made it happen. This article feels more like a general rant about modern society with one quick principle of investing that has been known since the beginning of times (buy low) inserted into the last paragraph.
Yea that is probably the worst blog I have have the misfortune of coming across in a long time. The "buying opportunity" is the same stale advice I have been hearing for decades. Nothing new or original here. He sounds like that loser uncle everyone has who has a few too many drinks at Christmas and starts ranting about "kids these days" and "back in the good old days" or "they don't make them like they used to" and tries to tell you how 60's/70's muscle cars were the best and all new cars are "computerized garbage" (Muscle cars are giant, slow, loud, stupid, lumbering death traps if you have not had the misfortune of driving one, god I don't miss carburetors) When really the complaints are just based on the fact that uncle wasted his life and potential and is just a pathetic mess of a human and jealous and wants nothing but to see people fail and come up with remarks that make his life seem better if just for a fleeting moment. Oh yea sure there are some silly shallow things going on in the modern world, but it's always been like that. There have always been lots of dummies running around. Now we just have the power to access it all quite quickly. We all basically won the lottery by just being born into the modern world. Buffet himself even said the average poor American lives better then some of the richest people in history. You can embrace that and enjoy life, or you can waste it and decent into a ranty loser like that blogger. Choice is yours.
At first I wasn't sure if the blogger was being serious or not, as I was starting to think he was just writing from a sarcastic, tongue in cheek perspective, but by the end I think he actually believed what he'd wrote. That's the scary thing with the internet, it's given all the idiots a platform to speak and give their opinions to the world, when before the only people that had to put up with them was their close friends (well, friend) and family.
Isn't it ironic? This blogger is preaching about how the modern world is horrible because of internet and social media... but at the same time it seems (to us) that he is one of those people who he despises.