According to Abrahamic religions sin is a transgression of the law of God. Fact though is these days the definition of "sin" is rather fluid. If someone doesn't like a law they can ignore or change it. So, how would you define sin? A transgression? Something different? Don't believe such a thing sin exists?
What is considered a 'sin' can be very broad depending on where you live or are and your background. I think in some ways political correctness helps people have some boundaries, so they know what is a social sin, or a moral sin, versus what a religious sin is. A sin is when an action goes against the grain of what is accepted as the norm, but these days they can be brushed aside or forgiven more readily. Fore example a child out of wedlock maybe sinful to religious people, but not to liberals. It's sinful to lie, but people do it everyday and brush it off. A sin is what that action means to someone, but why should it, unless it affects them directly?
I believe, anything or any action, which makes me weak and sick internally, that's sin. sin is like a closed door, on which I try to hit hard and try to break that by my Positive nature. nobody can run away from sin, daily we do that directly or indirectly. daily millions cells get destroyed on human body, because of negative energy and emotions. so, sin is a challenge to human, every human have to face that and neutralize it by positive thoughts, actions,energy, attitude. yes, we all are sinners, but , it doesn't mean, we give up light of knowledge which is already inside us and start expanding negative energy and promote sin. Sin is that, which stop us to become what we are and facing challenges is human nature. sin can't keep any human sinner forever, 1 day every human will break door of sin and become what he is. just matter of time. Challenges to animals have some limit. Lion can't jump in to the sea for food. cattle can't fly. but human, He always seek different challenges. that's why today human reached on moon. now human want to go mars, tomorrow another comet,******, planets etc. why human want to do such things ? when food,water everything what he want exists on this earth, why human don't like to spend easy life like animal ? because, every human want true answer of question, who i am ? somebody will say, we are sons of God, somebody will say, our ancestors was apes etc. such easy answers can't satisfy human mind. because, these easy answers created big questions.human always want to reveal new secrets. so for me, sin is that, which stops human to become human or whatever he is, and as a human, it's every human's right to become human. sin is a challenge and human has to prove. I have human's body don't means i am human. Inside human body, whole universe exist, human can become animal too as well as angel too. easy choice is become animal, hard choice is become human.
The definition of "sin" will vary for a lot of people to the point on where it becomes a grey area, but of course there are some solid sins, like murder and adultery, but then again there are people who try to justify those things. Then we get to the very grey areas, I mean someone could see speeding in your car as a sin to as extreme as spelling certain words wrong. It's very different for people but I personally try to stand by the "concrete" laws on sin, such as murder.
I simply definite sin as a deliberate act that goes against God. It can be murder, theft or adultery or hatred, jealousy or greed. There are many different categories to which sins fall under.
How do you know your favored by God? Psalms 5:12 - For thou, LORD, wilt bless the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as [with] a shield.
Eh, from a personal point of view sin is a violation of your own conscience and/or moral compass. It's something that makes you feel bad inside because you know it's wrong. Sin is that thing which is universally acknowledge as corrupt, illegal and morally binding. From a Christian perspective though I don't talking talking in behalf of my Church but the safe rule is don't break any of the Ten Commandment and you'll be fine.
I like this answer. I think it is simple and to the point and is a good explanation for the word sin.
Sin is doing things contrary to God's nature and laws. What he has written as right and wrong on our conscience is there for a reason. Ignoring that conscience is sin as well.