Inside the Secret IS Terror Weapons Lab

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by baudwalk, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I was watching Sky News (available in the US on the Roku devices) a few minutes ago. The story shocked me, and I looked up the story on their website. Remote control cars with bombs, repurposed missiles capable of downing airliners, and much more were shown on training videos on media found on an IS/ISUS/ISIL/Daesh engineer making his way north through Europe. All of these weapons are being developed in a sophisticated "terror lab" in the Syrian city of Raqqa. This is damn scary stuff.

    What absolutely boils my blood is Obama fiddles while the world burns with terrorists in the Middle East -- they're just JV after all -- and DPRK (who tested their first H-bomb yesterday).

    Obama cries on television about the children murdered in Connecticut -- not saying we shouldn't care -- while signing meaningless executive orders on guns. Those orders wouldn't have prevented any of the mass shootings in the last year or two. Gangs running amuck in Chicago and other large cities will still get their guns. The Chicago murder rate is greater than one a day.

    Obama plays protector of the earth's climate and the world countries signs a meaningless agreement to lower the global temperature by a Celsius degree or two. Bah!

    We need a leader who will let the military do what they have been trained to do and secure the help of our allies to put IS/ISUS/ISIL/Daesh down. The disease is spreading. It needs to be killed.
  2. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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  3. anders

    anders Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    I thought Obama'a performance was fantastic. Is it too late for an Oscar nomination, I wonder?

    But seriously, you're right. The western world faces a whole host of existential threats, and B.O. focuses his attention on an issue which, statistically, is practically inconsequential to the security of the US.
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    The one mistake the U.S made was fail to take action against ISIS before they could grow too strong. Right now, there's little the West can do to destroy the the terrorists ideology. Military force won't get it done. In fact sending soldiers over to fight the terrorists would be good for them because it will be easier for them to recruit jihadis if they can convince people the "infidels" are fighting against Islam. The U.S must work with Arab allies to defeat the terrorists.
  5. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    I'll check the youtube link when I have the time but I absolutely refuse to click a "Inside a super secret facility" link since it's simply hideous journalism at best, highlighting how quality, truth, accuracy are all pushed aside to create a click bait.
  6. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    crimsonghost747, I don't understand your stance on what to look at but that is your choice and that's fine. As you may have read elsewhere I admit to being a news junkie and watch news broadcasts from Europe and Asia. I found the this breaking news story both fascinating and very frightening. The ancillary stories and live feed from the reporter in the field were equally disturbing in my opinion. Not everyone has access to Sky News. I think this -- and the DPRK H-bomb test -- needs to be brought out into the light. Your choice to watch or read the story. I'll leave to other board members to make up their own minds on the news and the lack of action by Obama against the JV terrorists.
  7. nissi

    nissi Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    They're all being supplied by the government. And how is it a secret if it's all over the news and internet?
  8. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Which government? Obviously it isn't a secret anymore. Did you watch the report as to how the secret training videos were intercepted?
  9. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    ISIS is indeed becoming more and more a threat not only to the US but to the world as a whole. It's really scary to think about what they are planning next after all the attacks and terror they have caused worldwide especially the past year. They definitely have something terrible up their sleeve right now but I don't know why I'm seeing no action from concerned areas and governments to try to stop them.
  10. briannagodess

    briannagodess Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Terrorist groups such as ISIS, in general, should be punished and destroyed. They kill countless lives, including innocent people. And they torture, rape and do evil things to women as well. And I think that the world, the countries, should unite and do something about it. We cannot stand by anymore and let them take lives. We cannot let them kill people and torture them in front of our eyes. How can people be this evil and sadistic? I don't know how but all I know is, we have to stop them.

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