Catholics call Mary, the "mother of god." It does sound blasphemous but does the fact that she was Jesus mother make her a goddess? When exactly did Mary become a divine being, when Jesus was born or after her death? If she isn't a goddess why do Catholics think she can intercede on their behalf when they address their prayers to her?
Maybe it's just been passed down that way. I mean was Mary chosen for her virtue or because it was 'convenient'? She may have brought up Jesus, but what else is she known for? I do think people cling to the belief that she must be as good as Jesus because she was the mother, the biological mother. Funny how no one talks of Joseph is the same way and he brought up Jesus too.
Goddess really isn't the right term here. I think saint is more appropriate and closer to what we Catholics feel about her. No one said Mary was divine, she's just human like us who happened to carry Jesus in her womb. Our mothers always have our backs and in turn we value their opinion just like Mary and Jesus has, that's why we pray to Mary because she has her son's ear.
Goddess? Nope. Because that would be against: [h=3]Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me.[/h]
Mary is just a human being. The birth of Jesus was an "immaculate conception" where she became pregnant without having to have coitus with another human entity. Her role was simply as a vessel.
Yes she was simply a vessel. Jesus existed before she was even created. Jesus is the I AM, the eternal God. The same God of the Old Testament. Catholics pray to her because they're incredibly deceived by their false religion of idolatry and they don't read the bible. The bible says NO ONE can intercede for us except for Jesus. He is the ONLY mediator. No one else. Their prayers are in vain and no one is hearing them. The bible also says be not as the heathen and use vain repetitions in prayer. That's exactly what they do. They're just very blinded and need to be saved and see the truth.
I think that is just a Catholic thing. I being a being a non-denominational believer myself, lean more toward the protestant camp. I'm don't completely understand why Catholics place so much emphasis on Mary.