Is the US wrong for getting involved in global issues?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by alexisfinch24, Jun 16, 2014.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I agree. If America didn't flex some military muscles from time to time, I'm sure nations such as China wouldn't have hesitated to bully their neighbors, colonize third world countries, etc. So much as people may not like the U.S that much, it's because of them that many people enjoy certain freedoms in many places on the globe.
  2. queenbellevue

    queenbellevue Well-Known Member

    Feb 2015
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    Yep, I agree. A lot of people talk about how the national defense budget is so high, but it's not all for JUST national defense. America also has vested interests in other countries and the government makes an effort to protect those places as well. Americans are enjoying the rewards of this but they so often tend to forget that everything comes at a price.
  3. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I also think the US only gets involved with issues that can earn its government a lot of gain. I'm from one of the countries in East Asia which is being bullied by China regarding territorial disputes. When President Obama visited our country, he clearly stated that the US will remain neutral if in case China would wage war against our country. But when it comes to richer countries in conflict with China, he actually stated his full support. I don't know if it's just me but I'm seeing a form of bias somewhere in the equation.
  4. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    The United States get involved in Global issues because they are actually underlying self serving reasons. Why are we so involved in Middle Eastern affairs? Because of what's there, and we want it. If there was a war in greenland the USA would not intervene. There is nothing there that is in the best interest of the country. Anything that has to do with resources and acquiring them, the USA will be there.
  5. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    It's the same with anyone who has the power to do so, just as it's the same way in the business world. The only thing that has kept people like Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Putin and some of these ME fanatics from taking over the world has been the US strength. I'd much rather the US be the world leader than a country with some brutal dictator or religious fanatic in charge.
  6. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    Right and wrong are subjective.
    The USA will do whatever it wants to protect it's interests (unsanctioned Iraq war for example.)
    To some this is right to others this is wrong.
    It's going to happen regardless of our opinions on the matter.
    What really gets me hot is when they don't realize the ramifications of their actions.
    Like the rise of ISIS, which is a well documented direct result of the War in Iraq.
  7. johnalan

    johnalan Guest

    Jul 2015
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    No, not so much. We make up a great part of the world, not engaging would be like letting your child grow up w/out a parent.
  8. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Iraq was a mistake in hindsight, but we had it under control until somebody decided to cut and run in 2011...
  9. backpackstatus

    backpackstatus New Member

    Jul 2015
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    The United States SHOULD intervene and place itself at the center of most Global Affairs. As a developed, modernistic, and powerful country, we need to help avoid conflict and facilitate the development of other countries. In the Middle East especially, there are lots of disputes. Although I feel we should avoid military conflict whenever possible, it is our military that has the power and funding to keep other countries in check.
  10. Alyce

    Alyce Member

    Jul 2015
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    I think the US is wrong for being overly involved in global issues. First of all, we are devoting way too much money to military spending. There are so many internal issues that America should be sorting out to benefit the people who live in the country. Our first responsibility should be to our own citizens. We should solve our own problems before galavanting around the world and playing hero (or ostentatiously playing hero). Additionally, we're not doing the best job at playing hero anyways. These wars and involvements are serving to make the rich richer in return for sending us back war scarred service men. We might even be more effective with less military influence and more social influence - like improving education so we can teach people how to help themselves. Also the method of dishing out weaponry to random factions so that they'll fight the war for us is asinine - this is how we armed al quaeda and isis. Yes, we should inhibit countries from developing nuclear warfare and should be aware of potential terrorist attacks, but these societies should develop and revolt in their own ways. Democracy or some other health political system should develop from the people instead of just being superimposed on a society that's not ready for it. We should empower people, not just go around shooting them.

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