Israelis torturing non-Jewish children. 2014 Australian documentary. Viewer discretion.

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Casper, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Casper

    Casper Well-Known Member

    Jun 2014
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    I know some people find torture acceptable, (even advocate it) but the vast majority of people do not, so please be advised this is a very powerful documentary with detailed and explicit footage and accounts which most people will find extremely disturbing.

    The main thesis is summed up by an Israeli 'settler'

    "We came to a land where others were living but this land was promised to the Jewish nation by God. These people will accept Jewish sovereignty in the 'promised land' or they will experience a hard time."

    So much for the two state solution then or the U.N division of Palestine. Put up and shut up. They seem to like that phrase a lot. "Shut up when I am speaking". 'Do as you are told'.

    800 Israeli 'settlers' have moved into Hebron, home to some 180,000 Palestinians. The 'settlers' under the protection of armed IDF. The IDF patrol the streets firing teargas at children trying to go to school and stopping Palestinians from walking in designated areas.

    Children as young as 5 are routinely arrested in the middle of the night by armed soldiers, tortured and forced to sign confessions. They then go to a military court where the 'military judge' listens for as little as 60 seconds before passing a custodial sentence.

    99.7% of people are found guilty.

    What are they doing there? Have they not taken enough land? And the Israeli's keep saying, 'We are not an occupying force'.

    They can lie as much as they like... the evidence is documented and the day will come when they are held accountable for their inhumanity, war crimes and terrorism. The sooner the better.
  2. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    Am 18 minutes into the video documentary and its 45 minutes long, i had to pause for awhile because am in shock at the injustice being laid upon innocent children, peace is sure a costly thing to some people if you think about it, thank God for the peace in my country and life, i have a lot to be grateful for....its just sad :(
  3. wulfman

    wulfman Guest

    Jul 2014
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    that is hard to watch. in some rare cases torture is justified. I cannot envision one scenario where torturing a 5 year old child is justified.
  4. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    @ wulfman, kindly clarify those rare cases where torture is justified.
  5. Muthoni

    Muthoni Guest

    Aug 2014
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    Anyone who would advocate torture has no love of God in their heart. God is love and people do things blaming it on God. I believe that what someone does, they receive the wages of their actions when they are still on this earth. Their time is coming soon to pay for their deeds; it is just unfortunate that even children are not spared from this ordeal.

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