It's better to be a high income earner in Jamica

Discussion in 'General Trading Discussion' started by Investor, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Investor

    Investor Well-Known Member

    Sep 2014
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    Studies have revealed that the people in Jamaica that earn USD $1.5 million per annum is taxed at a lower rate in comparison to those who earn in the same category or income bracket in other countries in the world. People in Dubai take home a 100% of their pay or income. While the US and Canada are among the lowest in terms of taxing people of a higher income bracket.
  2. Determined2014

    Determined2014 Guest

    Jun 2014
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    I wonder why it favors the rich, well they must have a good reason for why they do that , I believe one of the reasons is to encourage investers, which is a good way to attract the rich to go and invest in Jamaica, if I was rich, I would have gone to invest in Jamica too.
  3. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    Hmmm...strumming my fingers on the table whilst in deep thought...if only i had sacks full of money, i'd be on my way to Jamaica this's greatest investor!...its good to dream once in awhile :)...wait a minute, Dubai doesn't tax its workers?...that's new news!
  4. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    While that would be one way of wooing investors I think the reason those who earn a lot of money pay less taxes is because it's claimed that they pay most of the taxes. Here's how one person tried to explain it:
    Whether that's the truth or not, fact is rich people create most jobs. Those who are employed will pay taxes with the cash they make from the rich man. And then they pay business tax and . . . income tax. Isn't fair it fair that their tax rates be lower?

    Oh . . . but investing in Jamaica sounds tempting.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  5. Allison2021

    Allison2021 Well-Known Member

    Jun 2014
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    It is better to be a high income earner anywhere on earth!
    It appears you are comparing apples and oranges.
    I would rather live in the US than in most any other country.
    None of those countries have the burden of supporting a vast military. They do not have taxes taken to support a crumbling infrastructure. They are not saddled with educating their general public. Those countries often do not have to support hospitals that care for the general public. Those countries do not protect their citizens with an adequate police force.
    Do any those aforementioned countries thrive or have a life expectancy similar to these United States? Are their citizens as literate as Americans? Can their most wealthy citizen freely and anonymously walk down a crowded city street without being attacked?
    If Ebola struck their country, how many would survive?
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
  6. caparica007

    caparica007 Well-Known Member

    Jul 2014
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    OK, so I am just now packing my bag to Jamaica or eventually Dubai lol. I think that most countries do tax us alot, something unusual is happening in these two.
  7. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Yeah, standard of living is much more important than tax rates. It is like moving to a third world country and being ´well-off´... who cares, you are still living in a third world country. Also about Dubai.. good luck making money there.. sure you would pay no taxes, but how would you make a living and what are the costs of living to be there.

    There is a reason the USA has an immigration problem...
  8. missbishi

    missbishi Well-Known Member

    Jan 2015
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    The thing about Dubai is that whilst there are no taxes, the cost of living is high. Also bear in mind that, as an Islamic country, most workers would be giving 10 per cent of their income to the mosque. Jamaica, a UK resident who is currently freezing cold, I am hugely tempted! Although day to day living in Jamaica is of a pretty poor standard and certainly a massive drop compared to how we generally live in the UK and US. It isn't a case of Jamaica favouring the rich, it's just that the taxes paid on income over a certain amount are lower compared to those paid in other countries.
  9. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Here in the US, our corporate income tax is the highest in the free world, and some of us are paying around 40% just in personal federal income tax. And some of us are taxed on both the corporate and individual levels.

    Big brother took in a record $402 billion in tax revenues in the last 2 months of '14. Most of what they take in is wasted and often not used for its intended purpose. These are the people who pay $5k for a hammer and $1 mil for a port-a-pottie, and who rig bids in favor of their cronies.

    We should greatly reduce or eliminate the corporate tax (among others) and reduce personal income taxes to about half of what they are now. Time for govt to tighten up, balance the budget, pay down the debt, and fly straight. Of course I won't hold my breath. :rolleyes:
  10. SamClemensMT

    SamClemensMT Well-Known Member

    Oct 2014
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    No one is happy about paying high taxes, however I think that a fair argument must take into account what we receive from the government in return for the taxes we pay. I would rather live in the U.S. and pay what we are asked to pay rather than live in a handful of other countries. Even a beautiful island like Jamaica can't convince me otherwise.

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