Jeb Bush proposes 'simple, fair and clear' tax code

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by BerndFoll, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    Simplification of the tax code in any country is near impossible to implement, due to the huge number of wealthy people employed because of it. These are well connected, educated, tax paying, voting members of civil society. I highly doubt they would ever allow this to remove them from their livlihoods, this type of idea has been proposed in many places but never seen the light of day.
  2. walta

    walta Member

    Aug 2015
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    Yeah, the connection between minimum wage, the new health care system, and taxes. How does this all play out, is anyone's guess. I suppose, not much is going to happen in the foreseeable future. But if something does change, you are right, something or some people are about to get flattened.

    I did not watch the debate last night, but from the news today, appears Bush did not even mention his tax plan? Now, this puzzles me...
  3. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    The problem with a short time period with so many participants is that it's hard to get too much in. And this debate seemed to be set up to get the participants to fight among themselves about "he said, she said", etc.
  4. walta

    walta Member

    Aug 2015
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    With this type of set up, the debate turns more into a spectacle for entertainment purposes. It would behoove the candidates to turn the questions into answers that serious viewers/voters want to hear about. Such as, Jeb's tax plan. It always seems to go back to the media's agenda and ratings. I guess, I should actually go take a look to see what was actually covered on the debate before I open my mouth anymore...
  5. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    You've got to keep in mind that it was on CNN - the same network whose moderator tag-teamed Romney with Obama in the 2012 final debate. CNN, MSNBC, and even the mainstream networks are obviously biased in favor of the Dems.
  6. My401K

    My401K Well-Known Member

    Dec 2014
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    Right now it does not seem like anyone is in to much favor of anything. Democratic or Republican. It feels like this whole campaign this far is just like watching an episode of the Apprentice. I am not suggesting this is on purpose, but it certainly seems very counter productive, especially since there seems to be a need for someone to step out and provide good leadership.

    I have had more then one experience of sitting with a Board of Directors that was chosen simply because of popularity. In ever one of these experience the results were always chaos, stagnation of effort and a dwindling fund balance caused mostly by indecision. I do hope that will not be what is in our future with the next election. Hopefully educated and reasonable minds will prevail.
  7. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    The problem with Bush´s plan is that it will never happen, and never last. You would have 1000s of special interests all finding ways to get their bonus put back into the tax code. It is really no different than what we have now. The senators will do nothing except make deals to scratch each others back.. ´hey, you accept this exemption, and I will vote to accept the one you want´..

    People need to understand our constitution. The President does not make the tax code.. 600 or so fully bought congressman do.
  8. spaceboytaylor

    spaceboytaylor Active Member

    Aug 2015
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    While it does seem nice that Bush is saying he wants to make things simpler for the average person. I just think it seems a lot like him just reaching for a vote. It doesn't really seem that plausible for him to reform the tax system to that point any time soon, but it does sound good when he's looking for people to stray away from Trump. Honestly I don't think there's anyone overall that appealing in the republican race right now.

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