Come on, guys. Every forum need one. Bonus points if the joke has something to do with economics, money, saving or anything along those themes. The only one that comes to mind for me is this:
Question: What do you call cheese that's not yours? Answer: Nacho Cheese! This is a pretty silly and really bad joke I know, but it makes me laugh every time, and for some odd reason, it's the only joke I can ever remember?
Ahah, wrong joke though Strykstar, the broker should be in a paradise island with that guy's money...
Heh, it's funny because internet explorer is shown to be really slow while the other browser process much faster. This is a very nice joke.. So, did I just ruin the joke for anyone?
Here's mine! There are 3 Spies that get captured. One spy is French, one is German and the other is Italian. Their captors come into the cell and grab the French spy and tie his hands behind a chair in the next room. They torture him for 2 hours before he answers all questions and gives up all of his secrets. The captors throw the French spy back into the cell and grab the German spy. They tie his hands behind the chair as well and torture him for 4 hours before he tells them what they want to know. They throw him back into the cell and grab the Italian spy. They tie his hands behind the chair and begin torturing. 4 hours go by and the spy isn't talking. Then 8 hours, then 16 and after 24 hours they give up and throw him back into the cell. The German and French spy are impressed and ask him how he managed to not talk. The Italian spy responds, " I wanted to!, but I couldn't move my hands!".
I think about this joke whenever I hear about statistics in the media: A statistician is someone who tells you, when you've got your head in the fridge and your feet in the oven, that you're – on average - very comfortable. It just shows how inaccurate the depiction of reality by statistics can be. hahahaha