LEGO and the future of investing in toys

Discussion in 'General Trading Discussion' started by escdk, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. escdk

    escdk Member

    Jul 2014
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    I read this article about LEGO the other day. The Danish toy manufacturer buys a kilo of plastic for roughly $1, shape it into something from Lord of the Rings and sell it for roughly $75/kilo, but that's not the most fascinating in my opinion. They've managed to jump into other markets such as games, board games and a lego movie. Despite the popularity of the LEGO Movie, I think they're still looking for the next big thing - in my opinion they've hit the next smaller things so far with the above.

    Would you expect LEGO to continue in this direction, or do you think they've peaked as of now?
    I'd also be really interested in speculating on what other, similar companies could be heading in a similar direction and expanding into markets that would be uncommon to their product, but they make common with their brand.
  2. desperatepower

    desperatepower Member

    Jul 2014
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    Lego is a very interesting company I remember a few years back that they invested heavily in a LEGO universe ( A lego based online game). Which was a total flop which was very suprising since it was a game that made sense. I Definitely think that LEGO will go towards other markets one market I think they will move towards is the mobile market which they have yet to do.
    I have two younger nieces (3,7) and they're obsessed with my sister's iPhone and they're not the only ones. I've noticed over the last 1-2 years that children as young as 2-3 years spend 1-4 hours a day on their parents smart device.

    So there is a ton of potential for LEGO to start creating games on the mobile market and I think if the games are good they'll be very successful too.
  3. PTrader

    PTrader Member

    Jul 2014
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    Since they've done the Lego movie and everyone loved it, I could easily see them venturing into television. I think they will continue to grow because they manage to capture the attention of kids of both genders, and adult as well. Some of the collectors sets and co-branding they have done recently is amazing, the Minecraft Lego sets really come to mind. That was such a perfect tie-in, the sets sold out in an instant and are worth a lot in the collectors market.

    To me that all adds up to a very smart company that is right on trend. I think they will keep going up and doing good things.
  4. jondjacob

    jondjacob Well-Known Member

    Jul 2014
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    Being a father of 3 little boys, LEGO is a huge part of my life. If you aren't familiar, there are various other iterations of TV series already with LEGO Chima, and NINJAGO. Both are available on Netflix if you want to see them. It's my feeling that they will continue to go gangbusters for at least a few more years. Ride the Train!
  5. Determined2014

    Determined2014 Guest

    Jun 2014
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    I think Lego will continue, because they make their toys with almost every new movie regarding kids that comes out, and their toys will always be on demand as long as kids continue to be born.
  6. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    I remember doing a survey last week that was asking me how often i buy LEGO toys, no little ones yet, so the answer was a plain no, little did i know what a huge deal this brand is {that's after reading this thread right here...its true , i have been sleeping under a very huge boulder to not know such details}
  7. Profit5500

    Profit5500 Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I really loved the LEGO Movie it was just hilarious which they now have it on dvd. I can just see the characters right now LOL. I do hope that LEGO does continue it was something that kept kids preoccupied and be creative. Unlike the senseless violence from the same video games over and over again. I would be happy to sell some LEGO's for $75/kilo myself.
  8. Enceladus

    Enceladus Guest

    Jul 2014
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    Lego will never go out of style. It has been around for ages and is still continuing to bring delight to kids of all ages. I think Lego will just evolve to bring further fun and may even conquer the mobile market especially Gaming.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  9. Peninha

    Peninha Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    Good post escd, LEGO is one of the big companies in the world and they sell everything for kids, from games to clothes, they have built a brand that has huge value now.
  10. bmarks

    bmarks Member

    Jul 2014
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    If we're simply talking about LEGO, I think you hit the nail on the head when it comes to them hitting several small things, which is a BIG deal. This branching out into other markets (don't forget Legoland the amusement parks) keeps the company relevant and less likely to fail if the "next big thing" turns out to be a bust.

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