For 28 years Rush Limbaugh has skewered the liberals and liberal media. Here's a look back at the changes conservative radio have made over the years, and some amusing stories as well. If your views on Rush only come the likes of particularly MSNBC and perhaps CNN, have a read. I admit, I've been listening to Rush for about the last quarter-century. It's been quite a ride.
quoting an article in the National Review about ok. Rush was great back in the 80s and early 90s and influenced me greatly. He was always conservative, but had a sense of openness about himself. But then he just started to preach to the choir and tell people what they wanted to hear. It became boarish and predictable. It is like Fox and MSNBC, they don´t even pretend to be news, they are just entertainment for their target audiences. I think CNN and the network news all lean left obviously, but they don´t have an agenda to be left, it is just the way media people are, much the same way economists lean right.. their is a built in bias just because of who they are. Fox and MSNBC are completely different though. They have an agenda.