The mass shooting at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg (, on coastal Oregon, is tragic. Unfortunately all the anti-gun loons are already trumpeting their usual rhetoric. That is to be expected, and no surprise the coverage was led by our narcissistic commander-in-chief. In a 12-minute speech to America later in the morning, Obama refers to himself 28 times ( This is flat-out crass behavior when so many families are grieving and suffering. Pathetic.
This one hit very, close to home for me, for reasons I won't go into. I'm absolutely heartbroken at the event, as are most in my family. And, agreed, I absolutely, positively disgusted at how the current POTUS and, to a lesser extent, Hillary are using this to further their political agenda. For crying out loud, give a little time for the community to grieve and heal. It seems very callous indeed to use the emotional event to try and ram-rod their pet issues.
I am really sad to see this happening and like you say Steak, this time happened close to your home, but another time can be close to mine. I wish this could have an end.
I've only been on this forum for maybe 6 months and this is probably the 3rd or 4th time now that something like this as happened. While I don't have the answers to stop it, surely something needs to be done in the US now concerning the gun laws? People who want to cause harm to other people, shouldn't be able to get access to guns as easily as it seems they are doing.
Steak Tartare, I wish the best for you and your extended family and friends. It isn't easy to bury youngsters before their time. (My child, wife and I faced a similar sad situation in the late 1980s. A neighbor's child, born within days of my child, were lifelong playmates and friends for 18 years, was murdered as part of a 8-person two-county weekend killing spree.) It is sad, not forgettable, all you can really do is hang onto the good time memories while time attempts to put a scan on the wound. Pwarbi, we have been down this Second Amendment road in other threads. I would refer you to those hand-wringing circular discussions.
I know many jump to the discussion of the Second Amendment, gun laws, etc. I'm just not going there. I think there is a more profound question we should ask: what the hell has happened to our society that this become the norm? Oh, people have certainly have always harmed others and, sadly, that will always be the case. Guns have existed for centuries. And mass media has been around too for some time. It leaves me to ponder what it is, exactly, in our current national ethos, character, soul, or whatever you want to call it that this type of behavior has become common place. I don't have a solid answer to that question, but I think it is one we need to collectively start asking ourselves.
All I can say is you didn't hear about this happening years ago, and now it is the norm. Why do people give themselves permission to do these things? They aren't all classically mentally ill, some are just evil like the Columbine shooters. I don't want to get into it, but loons can not have easy access to guns. it is hard to know who and who is not going to be a shooter, but look at England and Canada that have strict gun laws you don't hear about these things happening there at least not on a regular basis. Slamming Obama and the Dems is not going to fix the problem.
Really sad story this and very sad for the families and loved ones who lost someone in this tragedy. While I cannot find an answer for this other than the obvious, there just has to be more that can be done to stop these things from happening. My thoughts go to those who are grieving and anyone here who has been affected by this.
One thing I'll say is that I am glad Sheriff Hanlin is taking a stand against saying the perps name. What these pathetic, losers in life is some type of notoriety. They should be denied said. In fact, on the contrary to try to dissuade other nutters, they should be exposed for what they are.
While not all together related, we've made lots of strides to curb drunk driving. Over time we've been chipping away at the number of alcohol related deaths from behind the wheel. Those changes have come through education and legislation (And both I suppose) Yet the minute there is a gun death in this country the lobbyist get dollar signs in their eyes and go to work. Instead of doing something, anything that might just possibly save an extra life or two the greatest minds in our country (According to them) throw up their hands and say 'Nothing we can do!' and 'You don't expect criminals to follow the law do you?' Leaving us with the classic textbook definition of insanity (doing the same thing and expecting a different result).