Who are some of the politicians and pilitical thinkers you most admire? I admire Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman for helping to inform my world view. I also admire Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher for being great conservative leaders.
Which of the founding fathers do you admire the most? They had some pretty diverse views. Personally I think James Madisons brilliance is pretty much unmatched. Though Thomas Jefferson does comes close.
I cannot agree that Margaret Thatcher was a great Conservative leader at all. She was certainly a pioneering female who did a lot for women in politics but her actual policies left a lot to be desired. Unemployment figures in the UK were at their highest under Thatcher and this led to a prolonged recession. I think the majority of Brits would choose Winston Churchill, the wartime PM.
Off the top of my head, Adam Smith, Henry David Thoreau, the Founding Fathers (particularly Jefferson), Abraham Lincoln, Friedrich von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, and Ronald "The Gipper" Reagan. Those that I think are pure trash include such classics as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and John Maynard Keynes.
I think Thatcher did a decent job considering the circumanstances. British conservatism leaves a lot to be desired compared to American conservatism. Thatcher tried to limit the growth if government and she steered Britain away from a control economy. Also was a fierce opponent of communism. While not quite on Churchill's level she was pretty great.