Most Memorable Obama moment

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rosyrain, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Ah yes.. It was Clinton´s fault for not getting him sooner. It was NOT Bush´s fault for letting 9/11 happen and then wasting 6 years in Iraq while not finding bin Laden, and we can´t give any credit to Obama for actually killing him.

    This is the problem with the right wing today, they can´t think rationale and any attempt at giving any credit at all for anything a Democrat ever did will forever get you labelled a RINO and thrown out of your own part. It is why it is a shrinking party that will be irrelevant in Presidential elections. Most of america is rationale and can give credit where credit is due. As soon as they hear the Republicans talk, it just sounds like irrational rambling, and it is predictable.

    I get labelled a left-wing radical on this forum.. When in fact, to most people I would be a moderate Republican. I am pro-guns, anti-abortion (without bombing clinics), evangelical Christian and I am very financially conservative and small gov´t. But because I can see and say that Bush wrecked the economy with Iraq, and that both Clinton and Obama did a fairly decent job with the economy... I am a liberal? The Iraq war cost us more than any wet-dream package even the most liberal would ever come up, and Clinton was the only president to actually have a balanced budget in like 40 years. Obama has given us 7 years of growth and an incredible stock market run.. and coming from what happened in 2007 under Bush, that is a big improvement. Say what you want about Obamacare, but DHS costs us 1000x´s more wasted money and was the biggest bloated gov´t agency ever created.

    So you guys can circle-j yourselves into a corner, and watch in the next 3 presidential elections when the electoral map has already been won before the polls even close in the early states.

    BTW... liberal democrat? My preference of the candidates now

    Kasich, Rubio, Bush, Hillary....
    but meh, the Republicans keep acting like Xenophobic idiots who only repeat what they hear on fox news, and it is meaningless. In 10 years, the national media won´t even be covering the Republican primary process because it will be meaningless. I hope it implodes soon so ´we´can take back the real Republican party that isn´t built on fear and hate, but instead on small gov´t and balancing the budge.
  2. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Obama has had no more to do with the stock market run up during the last 6.5 years than Bush did from '03-'07 during the real estate and subprime mortgage bubble, or that Clinton did under the dotcom bubble from '95-'99. A good chunk of the gains we've had in the stock market were getting back to Oct 2007 levels anyway. And all of it has been in a zero rate environment.{"range":"max","allowChartStacking":true}

    Presidents do not control stock prices, corporate earnings, or the prices of commodities such as oil. About the only things presidential administrations can do is influence (or control) fiscal policy (while the politically appointed Fed controls monetary policy). Presidents basically control taxes, spending, and regulations to a large degree, and I'm sure can influence fed actions to a certain degree.

    And as far as the prices of oil, it is the private sector who has issued all of these drilling permits that have allowed companies to drill here on private lands. GOVERNMENT drilling permits have actually been down.

    Net household incomes and net worths are down over the last 7 years, as are the number of businesses starting vs closing (added regulations such as Dodd-Frank, ACA etc). The number of people on food stamps have doubled, as has the national debt. Debt to GDP is at record levels. Entitlements are now 68% of federal spending. Our labor participation rates have been the lowest they've been since Carter under Obama. Leftist big govt policies don't work.

    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  3. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    Of course those of us with money have made nice gains overall in the stock market, but again that has virtually nothing to do with whomever is in the white house. I made tons of money during most of Clinton and Bush's terms in office, and also had some losses. Ditto for the last 7 years.

    The main role of the federal government SHOULD BE to provide a sound national defense and foreign policy that protects our interests. And the Obama administration is failing miserably at this.

    Like all leftist loons, he clearly believes in equal OUTCOMES rather than just equal opportunity:
  4. evelin

    evelin Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Well, to be honest, as opposed to my expectations and to my utmost surprise, Obama didn't really say or do anything that would have aroused my intrigue... he was just an average Joe to me, who made promises he didn't respect. Oh, well, kneel before Trump!
  5. Thejamal

    Thejamal Guest

    Mar 2014
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    Drives me crazy when people give credit to Obama for "getting Osama". All he had to do when asked if he wanted to kill Osama was say "yes."

    As far as the most "memorable" moment, I'd say it's his ridiculous stance on guns and how he uses shootings to try and push that agenda. Just a highly inappropriate to try and push any sort of agenda, much less one that would not work.
  6. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Ah, but I imagine you had no problem with Bush landing on an Aircraft carrier with a huge banner ( cost over $500,000) that said Mission Accomplished? in one situation, the President took credit for something he didn´t even do, an in another, people are giving the President credit for something he did do. The fact is that killing bin Laden was not that easy politically because we had to fly combat troops and land in a friendly country and commit a military operation on the soil of a friendly country without them knowing. And if i were so easy to do, why didn´t Bush do it in his 7 years after 9/11?

    For me, Obama talking about guns is very similar to Republicans talking about small gov´t and balancing the budget. it is just political hot air. Obama hasn´t tried to introduce any real legislation that will affect anything related to guns.. it is all just political talk. the same way the Republcans talk about small government, then create the DHS. Reagan, Bush, Bush2.. none of them ever shut down any gov´t organization or really attempted to make the gov´t smaller.. they just talk about it. same as Obama with guns. People need to stop listening to what people say, but actually watch what they are doing. Clinton was the only president I can remember who cut back on a major gov´t program, welfare. But just look how many people Bush added to the gov´t with DHS
  7. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Everyone else here has some pretty good 'presidential' memories of Obama and that's great and fine and all but I'm just here still not getting over how he laughed hysterically at a baby wearing a Pope outfit during Halloween. He even brought Michelle out so she can see the Pope Baby. Bin Laden was also a big one yeah.
  8. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I had to search to find a video of that.. funny as hell. Reminded me of the scene from Talladaga nights where they were praying to baby Jesus..
  9. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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  10. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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