Are moves being made to enable U.S military involvement in Ukraine which could provoke a major conflict? Full article here: See also and Also
The continued blaming of Vladimir Putin for the consequences of Obama’s racist (anti-Russian) fascism, and for his craving a U.S. monopoly on global power, will become so untenable, that even U.S. propaganda-media — that’s virtually all of the U.S.’s euphemistically called “news” media (like those that warned hysterically about our need to eliminate “Saddam’s WMD”) — will need to start singing a different song rather soon What a bunch of horseshit. Putin struck first and played Obama like a fiddle. Obama wants power only within the US - he's a complete pussy on foreign policy, and wants the US to be weaker, if anything on the world stage. And the liberal media echoes that.
I really shouldn't giggle like that when I have a piece of walnut from my salad in my mouth. Yes, there is a vast amount of equine doodoo on the Internet. Any position someone wants to take, there's guaranteed a website that will state your point for you if you're not eloquent enough to put your own ideas into words. That's precisely why I ignore links when someone uses them to try to make a point. For each link, I could find ten more that state the opposite side. It's worthless.
Is it? Did they find those WMD's in the end then, I must of missed it. And the 'Mockingbird press', is not deliberately trying to ramp up a public war appetite by publishing inflammatory and baseless nonsense? I must of missed that as well. I thought the U.S spent $5 billion dollars engineering the 'peaceful democratic uprising' and I seem to recall an absolutely stellar cast of U.S actors making the 3 thousand mile trip to a country which hardly any American knows anything about, cheering all the protesters on and handing out drinks and sandwiches whilst the peaceful protesters set up trebuchets to fire the petrol bombs and masonry at the police cowering in fear behind their riot shields. Never mind, I am sure the police will be more proactive against anti austerity protesters when the time comes. Perhaps the NYPD can teach them how it should be done. How to park motorcycles on protesters, leaving them screaming in agony and make others sit in nice neat lines whilst they swagger around repeatedly spraying pepper spray directly into their faces and beating them with truncheons before carting them off to be charged with assaulting a police officer. Is he not killing enough people in your opinion? Drone strikes and coup de tats not flashy enough or up to the 'shock and awe' or 'blitzkrieg' standard? So you don't think he is engaged in the usual.... demonising, government overthrowing and war mongering through false press releases, or attempting to overthrow Putin and shove U.S missiles onto Russia's borders? The only significant difference between Bush and Obama as far as I can see is that Obama does it with a bit more style; Bush has all the style of the KKK whilst Obama is more refined about it. More like Hannibal Lecter maybe?
You carry on Kate by all means. Oh goody, what faecal fun. I wholeheartedly agree as I have just read some of it. Such an elegantly stated argument against the whole principle of the internet.... data sharing, 'learning' new things, new information, facts, ideas, broadening one's perspective.... all worthless. I wonder how far mankind would have progressed if we had to keep reinventing the wheel on a daily basis for everything. The thing is, some very intelligent and gifted people spend a lot of time researching, analysing and setting out data, facts, (some of which are extremely difficult and time consuming to unearth). Some exceptionally talented ones do so in a very concise but detailed manner which may run into a number of pages, (what a bore). But apparently you advocate they should be ignored, unread and discounted and when dealing with complex, factual, world changing issues; preference should be given to possibly ill informed, unresearched, inaccurate, biased tweetlike memes of a few lines on the basis that 'there are multiple views out there'. Nice.
Casper, you're either a troll or a delusional far-leftist. Your arguments are the same old "I hate America and blame America for everything" rhetoric and the same tired arguments like "weapons of mass destruction" over and over, which have already been addressed. I usually ignore your posts for that reason. But they're getting more and more absurd, as are the sources you get your info from. I seriously hope you're trolling. I'll just ignore your drivel from now on - you're obviously here to stir shit and have too much time on your hands. Bye.
It seems the West has been quite taken by surprise at Russia's stand. Parliamentary Select Committee discuss the situation, (minus all the hype and rhetoric). Noted that Putin is always politically 'risk averse' and that Russia has backed down over many issues in the past, not least Kosovo. Notice is taken of Putins statement that there comes a time when 'the spring pushes back'. Acknowledge that sanctions will not work and have never worked as far as Russia is concerned. Talk about looking to the U.S for LNG, which seems extremely niave and worrying when it is commonly known that the U.S is incapable of supplying gas to Europe.
WASHINGTON, July 28 (RIA Novosti) - Ten US Congressmen from both the Democratic and the Republican parties introduced into the House of Representatives a legislation to recognize Ukraine as a US military ally, said the press service of one of the authors of the bill, Jim Gerlach, a Pennsylvania Republican and co-chairman of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus. "The bipartisan legislation we introduced today is another important step towards reaffirming the United States’ commitment to helping our Ukrainian allies develop as a fully democratic nation,” Gerlach said. Lavrov on possible deliveries of lethal arms to Kiev: would directly pour oil into the fire, would urge Kiev's warring instinct Lavrov: Kiev's announcement on stopping military actions near #MH17 Boeing crash site not being followed Lavrov: Moscow will insist on Kiev fulfilling decision to halt military activity near Malaysian #MH17 jet crash site Lavrov: Moscow doesn't understand why U.S not releasing 'incontestable proof' of their version of #MH17 jet crash in Ukraine
There is so much counter information that I no longer know what to think. It's pretty obvious that the Russians want to control the region, but do the US want to get their army there? What if a similar "mistake" happens?