I am convinced these beliefs are self-evident. The Obamas intensely dislike the Clintons -- recall Bill once said Barack was not good enough to carry his bags -- and will do anthing to keep Hillary out of the White House. There is no glowing demonstrative help from the White House. Joe Biden's son wanted pop Biden to run for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Should Hillary's ethics problems -- email, Benghazi et all -- continue to impact her trustworthyness, her unwillingness to answer media questions, and demeanor causes her star to fade, BHO will push Biden forward into the limelight of a candidacy run. BHO wants his legacy to continue. Obamacare , Cuba, Iran, all that "good stuff." As tax debtor Rev Al now has unfettered access to the White House, so will a Biden win ensure that BHO will have unlimited access to the Oval Office to protect his body of work. BHO, in the last few weeks, has mentioned several times that he has 18 months until he has to turn over the keys to "his" (yea, right) house. That says to me no new initiatives, no fights, just the minimum, while he seeks a larger, perhaps the UN presidency, world stage. A fade to oblivion is to avoided at all costs. BHO will never learn to speak without a teleprompter. The reputation of Jimmy Carter's presidency has undoubtedly been repaired by BHO and his czars, and Carter is no longer at the bottom of the well. John Kerry will campaign for the Nobel Peace Prize, using his body of work and leg cast in the nuclear Iran deal, and use that "achievement" to catapult him in a run for the Democratic presidential nomination. The Republican party candidates will somehow manage to shoot themselves in their collective foot on the war to the nominating convention. With a new administration, I also ponder these questions. Will immigration systems be fixed? Corollary: Will Mexico pay for the wall? Will the IRS finally pursue the collection of <$5 Million owed by Al Sharpton? Will the IRS push to collect the ~$330 Billion back unpaid taxes owned by federal workers? Will Steve Forbes' 1996 flat tax, or a reasonable variation thereof, appear to replace the chain-sawed ~70,000 pages of tax code? Will Dodd-Frank regulations vaporize? Will corporate overseas profits be repatriated without penalty for distribution to shareholders? Will Twitter $TWTR recover after yesterday's Periscoped earnings report and putrid Q&A?
Great post and agree with most of everything you said. The bold is especially true though. I think there's a real opportunity for Republicans to retake the White House, especially with Hillary losing steam. But they're just going to pick each other off and tear each other down. By the time we get past the primaries, the republican candidate is going to be completely stripped with all his/her dirty laundry out there. The stupid party needs to unite behind one candidate. Splitting the vote is a huge concern in this election and one of the big hurdles the party will have to beat to win.
I'm sure that the IRS and Sharpton will continue their crooked ways as long as we have either a Dem or (less likely) an establishment Republican in office. I am convinced that the Repubs won't be able to win if they continue to nominate these spineless establishment RINOs who are always on the defensive, always apologizing, always afraid of the media or of not being politically correct, etc. I liked Romney - smart guy, would have made a good president. But he was too damned nice, almost apologetic and ashamed of his success, and too self-deprecating overall - the same way too many Republicans are these days. The media and the left are out for conservative blood, while the establishment Repubs always want to "take the high road". And of course the establishment Repubs are not much different from the Dems when you get down to it.
Indeed, another four years of Dem insanity will just be more corruption, more taxes, and more economic stagnation. A RINO republican would only be slightly better. If GOP runs another milquetoast candidate, I think it is game over. But the field is pretty wide open right now, so who knows. And Hillary continues to circle the drain poll-wise, so maybe the 'pubs have a shot this time around.
Noted on this Sunday's news discussions shows... most were leading with a story on Biden leaning toward making a run for the presidential nomination. Even a couple of weekend Middle East newspapers had something to say on the stirrings in the Biden camp. What a surprise.
It wasn't a surprise to me, and I wouldn't be surprised if he picks up the nomination. He may be a buffoon, but he's a skilled politician, very likable, and doesn't have Clinton as a last name. I had been wondering why he hadn't entered the race before now.