The governors of New York and New Jersey have decided to stick to new plans to quarantine health workers who have return from countries where the Ebola epidemic is widespread. Governor Cuomo of New York has expressed admiration for health officials who are helping to alleviate this crisis but also added that public safety is equally important as well. This comes after a nurse has been quarantine upon returning to America and has since gotten a lawyer with plans to sue. According to the plan set forth by New York and New Jersey, health officials returning from countries in West Africa can stay in their homes for the 21 day quarantine and will be check twice a day by healthcare professionals. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the plan by New York and New Jersey. While I agree with President Obama's stance that we must not create this atmosphere of massive fear and paranoia, it is also important we must find measures to prevent the spread of Ebola here in America as well as the countries hardest hit by the disease in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
I saw this morning where they are going to release the nurse from the hospital to continue her quarantine in the comfort of her own home. I certainly think that measures should be taken to protect the public but this seemed a bit extreme. They made her a prisoner as soon as she stepped off of the plane, and i completely understand her anger.
I actually agree with the quarantine. Yes, it's harsh. But the mortality rate for ebola is harsh as well. These health officials who are traveling to Africa to help with this crisis should be admired for what they do, but they also need to know it comes with a price. They are now potential threats to the health of the people in America as well as America's stability (politically, economically, socially). It is better to be safe then sorry. And it's better control the problem before it becomes uncontrollable.
I don't think it's an extreme measure, we need to look out for the health of the people living there, so nothing like screening all the others...
Great post, Springbreeze. These are my thoughts as well. Since no one *knows* if these people are coming back infected, it seems totally irresponsible to NOT take measures. There were so many times in history when people *didn't* know enough to quarantine that turned out disastrous (influenza outbreak of 1918?! Diphtheria, Black Death, etc.) but now we do know, and it makes sense to do this. You're right... it could so easily become uncontrollable. Why would anyone make a conscious choice to risk it when it's avoidable? Wishing it away isn't going to make a difference... it would take just one person who wasn't careful because they *weren't* quarantined. I agree that it's certainly admirable and we (other countries as well) need to help in Africa, but yes, there's a price to pay.
Absolutely agreed, Peninha. It's so important that "the world" in general gives help to stop this horror... but to be working with Ebola victims and then thinking you can go back to your own country and NOT be monitored or quarantined for a while just doesn't sound responsible to me. They *think* they couldn't infect anyone else until there's a fever. What about an hour BEFORE they notice the fever is indeed there? What if the fever starts in the night and it's 8 *hours* before you notice? Get wife or hubby off or work, kids off to school... they all would have been exposed if there was a cough or sneeze or sweat present. (I know, disgusting... but true. Sorry!) Who wants to risk what it would mean, even if the chances are low?
I believe quarantining everyone who comes from W. Africa is the right thing to do. And if they 'shook hands' anyone on the plane, then that person should also be quarantined. Most people whine and carp and file lawsuits but what if nothing is done and it just happens that the person is infected and the discovery is made too late [after others have been infected? Would anyone who is against the measure now say they're sorry, they did what they thought was right at that time, etc?
I said somewhere else that this is the one thing I agree with Christie on. As Governor, we don't really like him much in this state. He has done some really stupid things which in turn cost money and media frenzies. I do think he is polishing off his armor to run for President. Did you notice he lost weight? It is because the pundants said he was too fat. By making such a bold policy, and going against Obama, he is declaring himself strong enough, and decisive enough to run for president.
As an update: a judge ruled in favor of the nurse. She is not required to stay in her home because she is showing no signs of infection. She must submit her temperature several times a day and cannot travel without permission until the 21 day period is up.
I agree with that decision, one thing is to be controlled, other thing is to be in quarantine for no reason.