North Korea H-Bomb

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by MakeDollarsSense, Jan 6, 2016.

  1. MakeDollarsSense

    MakeDollarsSense Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    Supposedly N. Korea has tested a Hydrogen bomb that they've developed at a site where they had previously tested three plutonium bombs previously in the past 15 years. This coincided with China and South Korea saying that they measured some sort of synthetic earthquake that hit 5.1 on the Richter scale. I'm wondering what the U.S.'s response will be if it's confirmed that they have in fact tested said bomb. Maybe it's just ignorance, but I never actually thought that N. Korea had the capability to build a Hydrogen bomb. What are your guys reactions to the situation?
  2. Kate

    Kate Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    I probably shouldn't respond until I know more about this... but I've never been known to hold my tongue until I'm informed enough on any given subject. ;) I saw snatches of this report this morning, too... and my first thought was why it was being reported as "possibly." I know the media needs to do that... heck, I *am* the media :rolleyes: but my thought is that N. Korea wouldn't be silly enough to say they did this if they didn't. I mean *really!* They'd surely know that the world would know if it's a lie, and they wouldn't make that blunder.

    For your question about what the U.S. response will be... sadly, I have to say that I don't think there will be much of a response. Not with this administration. Probably a slap on the little patty like every other global security issue. A shake of the finger with a "naughty, naughty Kim, don't do that any more." And then we can move onto important issues like whether or not aliens have visited. (Oh man, don't get me started on THAT one! hehe) :p
  3. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    It's not the first time that this country as tested nuclear weapons and I'm sure it won't be the last. Theres no secret they have them, as do a number of other countries around the world, it's just that the other countries tend to be a lot more stable than North Korea!

    As for reactions? South Korea responded by moving troops closer to the border and a few of the political leaders from the west have come out and said they've violated the agreement but other than that, I can't see much else happening.
  4. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    There is a huge difference between a plutonium bomb and a hydrogen bomb. A hydrogen bomb is stronger and can be miniaturized enough to fit on a long range missile. A plutonium bomb threatens South Korea, a hydrogen bomb threatens the west coast of the USA.

    The conventional wisdom, and why people still will not say for sure if it is a hydrogen bomb is that many people believe North Korea only is doing this because they want respect, if they have a hydrogen bomb, they will be invited to sit at the big-people´s table. It would be a game changer and the USA would be forced to now confront them directly. In the past, North Korea is almost a spectator at meetings about North Korea.. the real power in those meeting were the USA and China.

    If it is confirmed that it was a hydrogen bomb, things will change drastically because they now actually do have something that can threaten the USA directly.
  5. Susimi

    Susimi Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    I'm not sure if I believe their claims or not.

    It just seems like they are trying to make a name for themselves but it's getting very boring now and quite frankly the world has other problems to deal with at the moment.
  6. kgord

    kgord Senior Investor

    Aug 2015
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    Kim Jung UN reminds me of a shock jock or a little kid doing a prank saying "Hey Look at me" "Look at me." He would be humorous if he wasn't so potentially dangeous. My guess is he really doesn't want his country to be annihalated which it would be if he made use of some of his big weapons.
  7. Susimi

    Susimi Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    That's exactly how I picture him. His farther did this stuff a lot and all it looks like to me is that he is following along in his footsteps, but this these sorts of threats and taunts have been going on for so long now that I don't think anyone really cares much any more.

    Think along the lines of the boy who cried wolf.
  8. nissi

    nissi Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    We're in the year 2016, it's not surprising in the least bit. Things are gearing up and progressing at a rapid pace.
  9. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Apparently the ground and radiation sensors have pretty well discounted an H-bomb test. The earthquake sensors around the world provided the first clues of a tempest in a teapot. Not to say the DPRK shouldn't be watched, along with the probable Iran connection, but I don't expect anything significant from the UN action today. In the meantime, the USA media and Obama ignores the IS and its terror lab, to whit, and
  10. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    I watched on CNN that Trump said when he becomes President he will ask South Korea for payment in defense of North Korean attacks. He made other controversial remarks as well like saying that America is the policing state of the world and he's charging every country who asks for their help. I don't why I brought that up but it's relevant to a future where becomes a world leader and North Korea has H bombs.

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