Surprisingly there hasn't been a peep out of North Korea since they got the internet back up and running. I thought there would be a lot of bluster from the little twerp especially since the movie was released in theaters AND online. I am sure that they won't be able to keep their mouths shut for long though.
So a local theater here has decided they will show this movie, I think this whole thing is nuts, thought so when I saw the film trailer. I doubt that N Korea cares at all about this movie. It seriously seems like so sort of crazy propaganda. Which makes me ask the question why? Why poke your fist at someone who we are told wants to shoot a nuke at us? It all just seems weird. one thing for certain America is not liked. Russia today added the us to a list of threats. So much for the end of the cold war.
It could possibly be the US behind the North Koreans losing internet. You never know. But has anyone thought of the angle that North Korea did it to themselves so that their people can't watch the movie over the net. It's already out and watchable for free.
That's exactly what I thought. After all, North Koreans only have access to a government approved intranet which is handled by a state-run country. Then again though, if their access is so limited, would the outage really affect them that much? One thing is certain, it was certainly brought down on purpose.
The problem with this theory is that they don't have wide use of the internet in North Korea like we do in the U.S. at this time. When peons get out of line you have to let them know who's who. These guys are really pushing their luck. The worst thing that ever happened to the Korean people was for the Chinese to enter the war on the side of the North. The South Koreans, with our help, had practically won the war before that. Now look at the mess over there. China should help to develop North Korea,but they aren't welcome to, because the North is being run by a cult. It's a more dangerous situation than most people realize.[video=youtube_share;bSEt2jniaTk][/video]
From what I have read China is getting sick and tired of North Korea's antics so they may soon find their friendship with them at an end. I wonder what that would do to North Korea and their bullying and childish antics? As up in arms as North Korea seemed to be over the film "The Interview" it has been playing in theaters and online for over a week with not a peep from them.
Although I think it is silly to cut a country off because of a movie hack, I doubt it would affect North Koreans much since only government approved people can access the Internet. I am worried that the United States government will cut off larger, relevant countries in the future though.
Another question can also be placed, how many people in fact do use the internet in North Korea? Most likely just people that work for the government no?
Not like a big portion of the population has access to it in the first place. The 1% elite maybe but when the consequence for consuming black market media, much less a media about the assassination of the N. Korean leader, is concentration camp for you and three generations of your family, amputation or death, I can't see why the elite would bother really. I don't think the US government is behind it either because there's nothing they can gain from it. The movie is subpar and North Korea has been denying responsibility from the hacking since the FBI allegations started. And now, more information is being released and it seems the FBI jumped the gun and it's an inside job within Sony. The Western media played it up like it's an affront to FREEDOM!! and now North Korea/Best Korea jokes are abundant again so everything seems to be going with what the North Korean government wants. They're probably doing this to gain notoriety in the West again so everyone would just be laughing while they do something dangerous below the surface. They're good at making themselves appear like an exaggerated, impotent, one-dimensional cartoon villains while having thousands of concentration camps within their country and developing nuclear weapons.
From an article I read today it looks as though maybe North Korea really was behind the attack, and it is based on evidence that they can't release because it is of a sensitive nature. Like others have mentioned even if the US was responsible for shutting down the internet in North Korea it wouldn't have affected very many people.