We have an election coming up on November the 4th. A lot of things are up in the air in regards to this election. People will be choosing new elected officials including governors, senators, and the house of reps. How do you plan on voting? I'll be voting for the Republican ticket in my state. I just think the Republicans will put a halt on a lot of the negative things the Obama administration is doing. I definitely don't want Harry Reid setting the agenda for the next two years.
I had a guy come by my house last night who is running for a local office. I grilled him a little bit on his larger views of things. I told him I'd definitely consider him, but it was the larger national elections that I was reall concerned about - we need change ASAP.
I'll also be voting pretty much across the board republican, although I'm still not too thrilled with any of the options I have available to vote for. An issue I'm seeing with a lot of the candidates is they don't stand for anything and just spout the party lines. I could not care less about the party lines, but want a candidate who has actual solutions to problems we have and need to fix. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a candidate in my home-state of California or in the national elections that fit that mold.
You are so lucky that you can talk about who you will vote for without fear. In my region, we discuss about who to vote for with a trusted few. I believe that it is necessary to vote for the person you believe will do the best work in the office. There is so much expectation during the voting season which is a good thing for the citizens of the land.
Looks like the GOP is poised to do pretty well on Tuesday. Right now most people give them about a 70% chance of gaining the seats necessary to take control of the Senate. I think they will win between 52 and 55 seats. Though they'd have to win practically every swing state to get to the 55. North Carolina and New Hampshire look iffy, but the Republican candidates there appear to be gaining ground.
Yes, all the predictions are that the Republicans will gain the majority. All of the major papers and polling groups keep reiterating this. Personally, I find Nate Silver, the wonder-statistician, has been dead on accurate and he is also saying the Republicans will win their races.
I have already voted because in this state is done by mail. I'll admit I voted pretty much straight party ticket (Republican), though one candidate was nominated for both Republican and the Constitution Party. There were no Libertarians on the ballot. The gross incompetence, unchecked waste, and endless parade of corruption scandals has to come to an end. The polls are showing many Americans feel the same way and this midterm cycle could be interesting, to put it mildly.
After I registering to vote I ended up getting a card in the mail so yes I'm planning on voting. I have no idea who I'll be voting for so I will do a lot of thinking and then make my decision. I have been watching the news about the November 4th elections but I try to stay away from anything that is negative and only look at the positive. Sometimes there can be way too much negativity.
I do not vote party lines at all. I vote for the candidate. Honestly, it seems it does not matter who gets into office, they just argue and get nothing done. When I was a kid, "do nothing congress" or "lame duck congress" was a rarity. Now it seems to be the norm. They are all so concerned with getting elected, then staying in office, that they forget the whole point of their job. When it comes to politics, I am more of a Libertarian, therefore it is really hard for me to pick a candidate even close to my beliefs. Also, it seems the parties are so extreme anymore it makes it difficult to even try to compromise. I was absolutely horrified by Sarah Palin. I did not vote "for" Obama, I voted against Palin, and McCain who made the god awful decision to choose her. Hillary Clinton tried to take my rights away at one of her rallies, and she was not even in office yet, so God help us if she gets in. Basically, they are tearing America apart and pitting us against each other while they reap all the benefits.
I have Libertarian leanings as well but I find that the Libertarian Party is goofy and puts up some pretty weak candidates. I think the best hope for the country is to push the Republicans into a more small government, libertarian direction. The Democrats are practically socialists at this point so they are pretty much a lost cause. The GOP is definitely the lesser of two evils.