Putin has received permission from the Russian Parliament to mobilize the country's military in the Ukraine. Parliament has also requested that the Russian Ambassador be recalled from the United States in light of President Obama's remarks yesterday. I guess we showed him. The President's timing on this one was all wrong. Putin gets permission to use military in Ukraine; parliament wants to pull ambassador in DC | Fox News Why are we getting involved in this?
I've been watching the Ukrainian Crisis with a good deal of trepidation. With the Cold War jitters, its feeling like 1984 rather than 2014 all of a sudden. Agreed, though, Crimea isn't our mess to fix. On the other hand, if we start seeing Russian tanks rumbling into NATO alliance members in that area (Hungary, Poland, et al.), things are going to get serious for all involved.
This issue has the potential to escalate very quickly. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail and the crisis adverted. I do not see the benefit of America getting involved at this stage. Shouldn't this be a United Nations issue to resolve?
Since the 98% of the public chose to join Russia in the ballot made last week, I don't see a justified cause for anyone to intervene. However, any kind of conflict between the US and Russia will definitely put a huge stress on stockmarkets all around the world.
The Ukraine is a sovereign nation that is being invaded by a foreign power, so the UN should be involved with resolving the issue. The UN's track record in this regard isn't exactly spectacular though.
Russian people are worried by the stuff done by putin, there is no reason to take a war between each other which leads to un growth of the country
UN can't really resolve the Ukrainian issue because Russia is part of its 5 permanent security council members. Which means Russia has the power to VETO any military action the UN decides to take in reaction to *drumrolls* Russia's intervention in Ukraine. And even if the other members *somehow* managed to prevent Russia from voting due to vested interests (which would be a major breach of the very basis UN was found on, Russia's participation was meant to be a check and balance against the western powers doing whatever they want using UN forces), there is still China, who would still VETO meaningful action on behalf of Russia. So UN's out of the equation in this conflict. You pro democracy blocs are alone on this one.