San Bernardino Shooters - Saudi Arabian

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by 21stcba, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. 21stcba

    21stcba New Member

    Apr 2014
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    OH ..what a shock. Who would have expected such a thing from our Good Buddy El Saud ! Land of extremist nut jobs.

    Bin Ladin was funded by private Saudi donors but also the House of Saud itself. Most of the 911 terrorists were Saudi .. none were from Iraq, Iran or Syria.

    The Saud is Stirct Sharia Sunni's .. They crucify teenagers joining in a protest asking for equal rights for Shia.

    The Saud has an agreement that as long as the Salafi extremists in Syria respect the authority of " The house of Saud" they can be as extremist Strict Sharia as they want and Saud will continue to fund them.

    Salafi are extremist Sunni - A good portion of those who formed ISIS were Salafi .

    The Syrians who are against Strict Sharia, Syrians who want to keep the nation secular as it was under Assad, are those who are fighting for Assad.

    Saud, along with the US, Turkey and others ... continue to support the extremist opposition who almost all ( except a few exceptions/moderates which no one can seem to fine) want strict Sharia. Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, Salafi, ISIS, and numerous smaller extremist groups.

    Why are we supporting these extremists ? Why are we pretending these nut jobs are our friends. Why are we fighting against the People of Syria who are against these Islamic Extremists ?
  2. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Am I reading it right? The killers in San Bernardino and Saudi Arabians? I understand that Saudi Arabia has their own interests. Even in Syria, they have political interests there and probably religion is just secondary - they are mostly Sunni and against the Shia or Shiites of Iran. But with the shooting in San Bernardino, it may be a prelude of something bigger. Are they mere terrorists or terrorists with an agenda? Is that act of killing a retaliation to America? I really don't know what is happening to the world. After the Paris attack, here comes another attack in another country.
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Ummm... wasn't one of the shooters a US citizen (born in the USA too) and the other one was from Pakistan? At least that is what a quick google search tells me... I don't see where Saudi Arabia comes in.
  4. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    The two met via a dating (matrimonial) web site and were married in Saudi Arabia. She was born in Pakistan and she, at age 4, moved to Saudia Arabia with her family. She went back to university in Pakistan, studying to be a pharmacist; it is unclear (as of yet) if she graduated before returning to Saudi Arabia.FWIW, this evening ABC News seems to be the first to find/publicize her photo. Her age was 29. Apparently she had no CA driver's license. I guessing she didn't know how to drive; Saudi Arabia rules, et al.
  5. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    They both had Pakistani heritages, but whether it was a marriage of convenience or genuine it's hard to say as the family of the man still seem to know very little about him. The marriage was very recent, but one wonders where they learned to use weapons like that. I doubt it was in California. Officially they were both American citizens, one born there and another granted citizenship through marriage. Maybe these dating sites are also something the governments are monitoring?
  6. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    It's harder these days to tell who is or isn't radicalized. The media is also partially responsible for the spike in terrorist attack because as more people hear of "heroic" deeds of terrorists others who may want to get the same attention might be inspired by the acts of these other "successful" terrorists. It's time the media and "citizen journalists" started ignoring terrorists. Maybe it might help because "coverage of terrorism leads to more terrorists attacks."
    Violence, so the saying goes, begets violence. Now evidence is emerging that suggests even the reporting of violence can trigger further attacks. Research has found that sensationalist media coverage of acts of terrorism results in more such acts being committed.
  7. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Two people with military grade weapons go on a mass shooting rampage in a city and only kill 14... I'd say they didn't learn to use the weapons anywhere. :D
  8. Jason76

    Jason76 Well-Known Member

    May 2015
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    The heartless targeting of disabled people is surely the "Remember the Alamo" fuel needed to get most Americans to deport possible terrorists, as well as move further to the right. Unfortunately, this trend, though seemingly justified, could lead to something very evil on the horizon. You can can be sure an expanded government, far worse than what W. Bush put into place, will be the result.
  9. kgord

    kgord Senior Investor

    Aug 2015
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    I can not even begin understand what goes through these peoples minds...I mean supposedly rational people who leave their baby, to kill others to supposedly "go to heaven" or spread their cause...or turn the country back to 7th century kill Americans?? I can't even begin to fathom it.. I think they need to do some interviews with "reformed terrorists" if there is such a thing, to see what goes on in their minds, and how they make it OK.
  10. Scooby Snack

    Scooby Snack Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    But remember though, there's a very good vetting process in place so that we can ensure that no radicals and extremists slip under the radar. Sure, they might fool co-workers, friends, and even family members, who have known them for years--but not the authorities.


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