Siblings put a baby in an oven and turn it on

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Alex, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I really had no words when I saw this story. The mother left her children (all under five) alone, even though a grandmother lived in the same block. The three year old siblings then put the 19 month old into the oven and switched it on. Who knows why they did that and how?

    The baby died what can only be described as a terrifying and painful death. The sad thing is that this mother is expecting another child, and she clearly is so irresponsible, you can't take care of the ones she already has. Why do people have children they can't afford or have the ability to look after?
  2. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    This mother needs to be locked away for a really long time. An infant never should be left in the care of another child.The mother's negligence proves that she can't be trusted to care for the kids. Social services should get involved and take away the children.
  3. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Well after reading the story I think it's highly likely that the mother will face some sort of prosecution as I think there's a number of offences been committed.

    While some might say she's been punished enough because she's lost a child, I certainly don't think she's responsible enough to have any more, and I doubt if this would have taught her a lesson.
  4. L_B

    L_B Well-Known Member

    Jul 2015
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    This is so sad and tragic. This mother does not deserve to have her children or any other child in her care. She is very irresponsible. It doesn't matter if the grandmother lived in the same block, these little darling should not have been left alone and any caring, responsible parent would no that.
  5. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Don't leave children without adult supervision, that's really basic parenting and this news is really horrifying my goodness. Babies in ovens are not a good image to wake up to. The mother should get persecuted for this it's criminal negligence. Also, I think the children should be treated to therapy in the future because this is really damaging to hear.
  6. Susimi

    Susimi Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    Really sad this is and such a needless loss of life.

    Why the hell did the mother leave her young kids alone, and why did she think it was a good idea in the first place? I doubt she expected this to happen but, and I don't want to sound insensitive, but it could have ended up much worse than how it ended.

    Such a stupid woman and I kinda hope the kids get taken away from her and put with relatives who know how to look after kids properly.
  7. Scooby Snack

    Scooby Snack Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    A YouTuber called Tommy Sotomayor covered this story. In fact, if you go to his channel you will find SCADS of stories of horrible, horrible mothers, and what they all have in common is that A) they are poor, and B) they are uneducated, and C) they are Black.

    I think that the Internet and social media have given us windows into a very particular kind of dysfunction that seems relegated solely to Black ghettos.

    I feel the need to state that I am Black myself (as if that should really matter), before people start freaking out.

    It's stories like this that make me wonder where the "Black Lives Matter" movement is. Maybe instead of shouting at people in libraries, and shouting down politicians that are aligned with their interests, and getting deans to resign, they could focus on creating programs in these areas for sex education, school reformation, mediating gang violence, and try to instill hope in people that so obviously possess none.

    But no, they won't do that, and in fact they seem incapable of recognizing where they could do the most good, if they truly cared about the lives of Black people.
  8. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    There are conflicting stories made by all parties; first the mother says she has to drive to go to work, but in fact she and her boyfriend went to get pizza and returned a couple of hours later. Apparently the oven was tipped over on the side and then the door opened and the baby fell out. People are asking how can three year olds reach and have the strength to do that? I'm a grown woman and can only shift the oven inch by inch when I need to move it?

    People are going to ask why these children weren't taken away from her earlier, as she had a history of this behavior already (leaving children unattended).
  9. Susimi

    Susimi Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    Would that really help though and would it be able to go in that direction?

    From what I've seen the Black Lives Matter movement seems to be protesting against people who got killed while up to no good. I mean I saw a picture of one of the protestors holding up a sign that said "no mother should have to worry about their son getting killed every time they rob a store". With that type of mentality what does it tell you?
  10. Penny

    Penny Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    They are "all" black? I think, black or not, your prejudice is showing. Ignorance, evil, and desperation occurs in all races. And BLM is about police unnecessarily killing people due to conscious or unconscious racial bias. Seems clear enough to me. A video released in Chicago just yesterday is a very very clear example. If you want to start a group to help black parents, go for it. BLM is focusing on their issue, not every issue out there facing black and/or all people. I love how people doing nothing criticize people at least trying to do something.

    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015

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