Special ID For Muslims?

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rainman, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    Um what? Considering in the USA over the last 30 years there has been what, 2 attacks on people carried out by Muslims and hundreds if not thousands attacks carried out by non-Muslims?
    This is pandering to racists plain and simple.
  2. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I think that these things are already monitored, it's just not publicly known or any agency would admit to it. As for deporting people, they do that already as they have the right to revoke any visa, or residence permit. If they become a citizen it is harder.

    They already have counter terrorism intelligence monitoring suspects, but they can only do it within the confines of the law. When it comes to citizenship, then if these people are wealthy, they 'buy' it. If you have X amount, and invest in a business then you can get citizenship much quicker. It's all about the money.
  3. 111kg

    111kg Guest

    Aug 2015
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    One of the Muslim attacks led to the death of thousands of people.

    Just because they are not reported by the media, it doesn't mean that they aren't happening. Al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Harram and al the other radical muslim smaller organizations, will all target the USA and they will all do the same thing: divide et impera. It's happening already in Europe. Like I said, it's time to throw political correctness in the garbage can and do whatever it takes to prevent any terrorist attacks.
  4. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    The idea that all Muslims are terrorists is simply absurd. The idea that giving them a special ID card will do any good is borderline insanity.
    It's racism plain and simple, and here in the developed world we have all agreed that we are going to give our citizens the freedom to practice whatever religion they want (even if it's something that's actually dangerous like Scientology.)

    Not all the followers of Islam are against the West, many are valuable educated contributing members of society. This hogwash idea is only going to further alienate them and push more towards radicalization. If you keep calling a peaceful person a terrorist long enough then perhaps your wish will come true.

    Yup radical followers of Islam drove planes into the world trade centers and killed millions. Then we invaded their countries, with the direct result of this being the formation and rise of ISIS in the power vacuum left behind. We went in without an exit strategy, we are still stuck there.

    I imagine this time we will see the error of our ways and come up with a more enlightened way to deal with this problem. This time we have a great plan with an exit strategy right guys?
    NOPE! We are going to bumble into the Middle East this time with even less of a clue then last time!
  5. manoharb

    manoharb Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Criticism is way of earning popularity . many politicians do such anti-constitutional statements before election. Constitution is above all. such anti-constitutional statements. i will prefer to ignore, than promoting it more by discussion. I don't think, In democracy anybody can challenge constitution.
  6. nissi

    nissi Well-Known Member

    Oct 2015
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    The government already keeps track of everybody and their religious affiliation. They don't need ID's to identify who is and isn't a muslim. They just don't care to let it slip through the cracks. They're working with them. And I doubt many people would go for this anyway. They will look at it as an invasion of privacy.
  7. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I'm also sure that governments will be well aware of just what religion people follow, if any, and I'm not sure how putting it on I.D cards would make a great deal of difference.

    While it's true that not all Muslims are terrorists, the majority of terrorist attacks are carried out by muslims, and I'm not sure what an I D card is going to prove.
  8. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    Freedom of religion is one thing that the Americans are proud of, in many ways that's how it was founded by the Puritans wanting their freedom of religion. Is a Scientologist or Mormon treated the same way? People have preconceptions of people who follow a religious belief, so maybe people need to stop judging by by faith they follow? Discriminating based on religion is wrong, but even so, you need to stop the media perceptions; that's the real danger like racism.

    It didn't work so well for the Puritans either as as soon as they arrived, factions grew and different ministers went off to found their own version of religion, hence Providence was created as a haven for those who were ousted when their religious beliefs differed. Not much has changed over the centuries.
  9. 111kg

    111kg Guest

    Aug 2015
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    The thing is only a certain religion is associated with extreme violence and manslaughter these days. I do think that the top radical affiliates of Islam need to be supervised (and I do think that US has the necessary intelligence to do this), because they are the ones that promote this type of Islam within the US borders and they certainly know who are the people willing to kill in the name of their cause.
  10. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    While I agree with freedom of religion, if that religion is the one that's got people most likely to cause a threat to the nation, then maybe more restrictions should be in place.

    A lot of people say that IS aren't doing what they're doing as Muslims or for Islam, they're just terrorists, while I understand that, what I don't understand is why there's never any Muslim leaders, no cleric or high standing leader of Islam that comes out and condemn's the attacks. Why not?

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