I am looking into starting a business and it will not cost very much money to get started, but it will cost some that I don't have right now. Is there any short term investments that are conservative in which I can earn some extra money to start out with? Any advice out there? I do not want to take out a loan and I don't think the interest in the bank account will suffice as it takes forever to get any money back from leaving money in my savings account.
I would love to see what others have to say about this. I don't really have any suggestions for you. I would love some tips, though, because I would like a bit of extra money myself.
You might look into shortterm corporate debt, or perhaps check with local retail brokerage firms to see if they have anything they put together that will pay a decent return for a return on principal at some time in the near future.
Interest rates are so low right now that it's almost laughable... so you're right about it taking forever. Literally! It's not even an option any longer. I don't know of any short term investments that would give you enough money for a business start-up, no.
Start with a small investment and look for a short time period of investment so that you can not meet the stage where you can have chances of getting your business down. All the best for your new business
I think you should go talk with your bank. If your idea is good enough they might give you loan. Thats what I would do.
I would also say to start with a small investment. That way the low interest rates will have a hard time doing too much damage to you.
Thanks for all of the advice everyone, sounds like I am going to have a hard time getting ROI for investing, so I guess I will talk to my bank...the worst that will happen is that they will laugh at my plan and I will be no worse off than I am now.