Still, we are fighting with the prostitution. Especially, with the teen prostitution. Horrible and super horrible, all this is happening under the umbrella of the Super Bowl. Sixteen teen, forty five adult women and more than forty five pimps were arrested. How many more, who were not arrested, is still the question mark. The answers we don't have.
It is sad, but as long as there are those willing to pay, it will always be a problem. I'm not so concerned about adult prostitution, because they can make their own choices in life, but the teens and kids scare the hell out of me. The story needs to stay fresh in everyones minds so we can all fight against it.
I didn't know about this. I remember something that happened a few years ago that alerted me to how bad some of these things are, though. I love traveling and for the first time ever, I saw a posting at an interstate rest room that was all about what to do if you see human trafficking happening. It was still fairly close to home and I hadn't realized the magnitude of the issue until then.
This is happening all over the world, abuse, drugs or poverty are the most likely causes, but it's sad really that children are forced to do this as a living...
This is why prostitution should be legalised, when the demand for it is satiated then things like this won't happen. Prostitution is the worlds oldest profession and will stay that way, what needs to happen is sensible regulatory embrace not outlawing. Hope these poor girls can get on with their lives.
Prostitution must be banned, people are doing business with the prostitution, small girls are going to be attacked by the name of prostitution, this thing should be totally banned
You realise events like this never happen in countries where prostitution is legal and well regulated, right? Banning something forces it underground, in this instance sex workers lose the right to a steady income, protection from disease by universal condom use and regular medical checkups, security in the form of industry bouncers willing to throw out customers who get violent, and you see benefits to the rest of society too in that suddenly these sex workers are paying income tax. Seems like a no brainer to me.
I agree with you, except that child pornography and sex trade is an issue that should definitely be illegal.
I agree that consenting adults should be able to do as they please. As long as no one is being forced to do anything, I don't think it's anyone's business if two or more consenting adults agree to swap money or other tangibles in exchange for sex. I also agree with making it legal and reasonably regulating it, the way it's done in parts of Nevada. Of course it should be limited to adults only, and any use of force or coercion should be punished harshly.
These are really sad news. I'm actually all for legal prostitution as long as it's from their own free will, but unfortunately most prostitues are forced to being prostitutes, and I'm not really sure if these teenagers were really "in on this themselves". It's really sad to hear...