The countdown to the UK election has begun. In a week's time, one of the most powerful nation is going to have a new Prime Minister. Candidates are rushing to make their last minute campaigns. David Cameron has pledged that there will be no increase in UK's taxes for the next 5 years if he wins the election. Other parties claim it's just a selling point to win. Do you think these tax pledges will have an impact on the decision of the voters come election time?
I've heard this statement said in the US presidential races and they never amount to anything. Only empty promises or a half cooked reason for not following through. Candidates will say anything to get into office and they will smear anyone's reputation who poses a threat to them getting that position.
That is true. I've heard that promise a couple of times too. Whichever party wins, I think they should look into the countless call for reform especially in the economic sector. As we all know, more people in the UK are now self employed due to the lack of jobs both in private and government sectors. Milleneals are calling for support on business creation especially the small businesses. With this in mind, I wonder what should be expected with the upcoming US election. UK's turn will be over soon and the US election will soon take place. I wonder if there will be something new to look forward to.
Well, it's all over now and I'm doing my usual election all-nighter with the BBC news channel. I'm quite excited for the final result although I must admit that the early indications suggesting Cameron is back in are quite unsettling. These early indications never seem to amount to much though.
I think though that Cameron's name has been making the waves for the past few days especially when he openly talked trash about Tony Blair. I just think it was uncalled for and very improper for a potential leader. Good luck with the results!
The pound dropped a little but the FTSE seems to be opening higher. So guess the election outcome is viewed as slightly positive for the economy?
I am pretty sure that the pledged do make a difference, but after the elections those promises will prove to stand or not and frequently they are nothing but promises. So far it's still looking good, but it's still early.
Thank you gracer, although I didn't get the result I'd hoped for! I don't relish the prospect of another 5 years under the Conservatives at all. I will be interested to know who the new Leader of the Opposition will be though, as you might have heard, Ed Miliband has resigned as the Labour leader. Chukka Umunna seems like a good choice to take over.
Your election was probably the well watched political news of this season. I heard the news about Liberal and UKIP leaders' resignation after the Conservatives won. We'll see what's next when it comes to economy. I'm hoping for the best for your country.
I am not very optimistic in what concerns politicians, do you really that would have made any difference in the Conservatives didn't win? Would the other leaders do better?