It is such a shame that they do not teach kids in highschool about the importance of saving for retirement. I never learned about it and my parents had a difficult time explaining it to me. I really think that schools do a dis service to our kids by not teaching them young to start saving.
I think that schools only care about the funds more than the kids. I could remember when I was in high school they never taught anything about saving money. I remember my Economics/Govt. teacher Mrs. Pearson said that one of those basic principles to economics is to make your money work for you. She was right about that if you save some now it would become enormous later on.
I have recently learned that schools will teach based on the grants and free money they receive. My kids school just got a Microsoft grant and guess what they are learning and computers!
I would not blame schools for doing that it sounds like a wise investment. I would not want to miss anything if someone is teaching me about grants and free money for school.
Schools can't teach kids everything. Parents are expected to educate their children about everything else they don't learn in school. They could start be setting a good example by teaching the kids to save money from an early age. Chucking all responsibility at teachers IMO is unfair [and irresponsible]. What exactly is the role of parents if they won't teach their kids basic skills like saving money and investing it?
If there's one thing schools should do, it's teach financial savvy or at least the basics of saving for the future. Sure, parents should do the same, but tons of parents are terrible with money themselves, perhaps because they didn't learn about it in school or their own parents weren't that good with money either. High school students might take an economics class, but most teachers won't go over personal economics during that course. They just cover the larger concepts of economics.
That depends on the schools and eventually on the country troutski, in my country I wasn't taught that, and I was in school for over 20 years.
I think all high school students should have to take a course in financial management. I would have liked to learn those skills in school. I didn't really think about it until I was out on my own with my first measly paying job after college. Some sort of class with topics like savings, investing, retirement, banking, etc. would have been useful. I certainly don't use calculus II every day but I do have money to manage.