What are your thoughts? Personally I love the guy. He may be my top pick for 2016. Definitely prefer him over Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney and Chris Christie. One of the smartest and most articulate conservatives I've ever seen. http://www.nationaljournal.com/poli...gn-policy-as-his-2016-differentiator-20140928
I do really like him - he's very smart and has guts to tell it like he sees it. I just don't think enough of the swing / moderates would vote for him. I still like Romney, but I don't care for Christie and see another "Bush" as being unelectable. I like many of Paul's ideas, but I see him as weak on foreign policy.
Russ, І аgrее thаt mіlіtаrу dо vоtе fоr bоth sіdеs аnd wіll nоt еvеn guеss whісh sіdе gеts mоrе оf thе vоtе, but rеmеmbеr іssuеs bеуоnd thеіr соntrоl соuld mаdе thоsе bаllоts lаtе аnd еvеrуоnе оf thеm shоuld hаvе bееn соuntеd. І dо nоt lіkе еіthеr раrtу аnd bеlіеvе nо оnе sіnglе grоuр оf реорlе іs grеаtеr thаn thе оthеr. Оn thе оthеr hаnd рlеаsе nаmе mе hоw аs а grоuр Рrеsіdеnt Оbаmа hеlреd оut thе mіddlе сlаss оr рооr whеn thе gар bеtwееn thе rісh аnd thе rеst оf us hаs nоt bе grеаtеr sіnсе 1928. Тhаt mоrе реорlе bу рrесеntаgе іs оn wеlfаrе оr fооd stаmрs. І mеаsurе suссеss dіffеrеntlу аnd thаt wоuld bе, hаvе І hеlреd tо gеt thеm оff thаt аssіstаnсе. Whу аrе thеrе а hіghеr реrсеntаgе оf hеаlthу wоrkеrs unеmрlоуееd sіnсе thе lаst 8 рrеsіdеnts. Тhіs wоuld hеlр аll grоuрs. Ѕіmрlу рut whеn thоsе іn роwеr hаvе dіffеrеnt rеtіrеmеnt/hеаlth саrе рlаns аnd sо fоrth аnd sо оn, thеу lоsе tоuсh wіth "Wе Тhе Реорlе". Whеn thеу gеt thіs роwеr wіthоut runnіng rеаl busіnеssеs, thеу раss lаws thаt рush соmраnіеs аnd јоbs оvеrsеаs (bоth раrtіеs). Wе nееd tо vоtе АLL іnсumbеnts оut (frоm bоth раrtіеs) аnd gеt thоsе іn thеrе thаt wіll рut tеrm lіmіts оn sеrvісе аnd bеnеfіts аnd сhаngе thе rulеs tо bе thе sаmе аs оurs.
I think Cruz has more of an appeal to populist, "working class" voters than just about anyone else in the Republican Party. I like Romney, but I don't think another run would turn out different than it did last time. He's just seen as too rich and elitist to win over those crucial voters that make up the winner of an election. Christie is okay. I don't have any major problems with him. Another Bush is definitely not the answer.
Does not seem a s a bas guy, out of all the republicans, if I had a choice, I would vote for him, he seems as a people person.
I think as far as Republican candidates go, Ted Cruz might be the best option, not only does he seem like a competent guy, you know how it works, him being Latino will help bring a lot of votes from minorities (harsh but true). I think a Ted Cruz candidacy is the best chance for the GOP to win the elections this time around, but we'll see how the debates go up until then.
I don't see many people outside of Texas voting for Cruz and they may have even had enough of him. I think when he really gets scrutinized on a country wide level, he will be exposed as far too extreme for America, even a dissatisfied America after President Obama. I think the combination of a Bush/Christie ticket will be the best bet for the Republicans unless someone else comes out of nowhere.
I give Chris Christie much better odds than Jeb Bush. I voted for George W. Bush. First president that I voted for.He seems like a good guy. He was a mediocre president, though. I just don't see the country going for another Bush. Christie has a lot of charisma and definitely connects with people. He won in a heavily Democratic state with around 60% of the vote. That's pretty impressive for a Republican.
It seems as though many now have buyer's remorse - they wish they'd voted for Romney instead of Obama or instead of not voting. The problem within the Republican party is the divide. Some won't vote at all for a moderate / RINO Repub, and the more moderate Repubs and the independents and more conservative Dems won't likely vote for a very conservative Repub, unfortunately. We Republicans need to ALL vote for whoever gets the nomination - as a lesser of two evils, if nothing else. I don't care for Christie, and I know many Repubs and even independents don't like him either. But I don't think Hillary or whoever the Dems nominate will be a better choice for the country than even Christie or Bush.
I agree with you JR Ewing. But I think the problem with the Republican Party is they keep nominating candiates that don't really stand for anything. Don't get me wrong I like Mitt Romney. Was glad I voted for him. But his political positions have been all over the map and hard to keep track of. The GOP needs a candidate that stands on principle so people really know what the GOP stands for. Basically the Republican Party needs to be redefined by someone capable of leading it.