So the GOP won the Senate. But who do you think will win the nomination for POTUS? I used to like Romney, and I thought his head in business would be able to straighten out the economy. I hoped he would stimulate it and promote jobs. However, I saw a documentary about him that was made the first time he ran, and I felt him to be disingenuous. I know politicians flip flop and lie... they cater to their audiences. But still, there was just something about him that I just didn't like. I know my gut is no way to decide a vote. Who do you truly want to win the election and why?
Your post is kind of all over the place. Who do I want to win what election? As far as the GOP winning the Senate. That's definitely a good thing. At the very least most of Obama's harmful policies will be stopped. At the best, I would hope the GOP will move forward with some good policy proposals of their own. Tax reform, entitlement reform, immigration and education all need overhauls. We need to give citizens more of their own money and the economy still isn't where it needs to be. So there are plenty of things to work on.
I have come to a point where I believe that , there is no much difference in both democrats and republicans, they all are bound to make mistakes, they all are bound not to please aeveyone, as long as the republicans lead the democrats will nit be satisfied, as long as the democrats lead the republican shall not be satisfied, so it is all the same to me.
In my humble opinion now is not the time for them to over reach or play "gotcha" politics, but instead focus on a well though out plan of passing good legislation through Congress. This will put them in a good position come 2016. That said, there are some lingering corruption scandals (the IRS and Fast and Furious being the two rankest) that really need to get to the bottom of. Both parties have a duty to rooting out those kind of shenanigans and holding people accountable for their actions.
I think if Obama goes forward with his executive amnesty plans that there is going to be very little hope for the two parties of working together for the next two years. I think it will eventually be stopped by the courts, but the damage will already be done. The president should wait for the Congress to be sworn in before moving forward with any type of immigration proposal. He won't, but he should. In a good faith effort to work with both sides.
He and the Dems didn't have any desire to "work with the other side" until recently. I think the Repubs are suckers if they give the other side anything they don't have to now that they will have much of the power in Washington. The Dems would be continuing to run over them and screw them at every turn had they won the midterms.
Obama's attitude has kind of surprised me. I thought that his party being wiped out from coast to coast would have humbled him just a bit. It apparently hasn't at all. He keeps playing to the base when they in reality are a very miniscule portion of the overall population. If he goes forward with his executive amnesty plans I think any hope for bipartisanship is pretty much killed for the next couple of years. It's unfortunate. The president needs to be an adult and lead. I doubt it will happen, though.
At the present his [Obama's] executive action plan on immigration is certainly going to ruffle some feathers. Republicans are trying to find ways to sabotage that plan but if that is the indication of how they are going to interact then we shouldn't expect the two groups to work together for the next 2 years. Two years of economic stagnation and bickering . . . brace yourself for it.
I've been bracing for it since election night. It's what's been happening for the past decade. It won't be anything new. It's unfortunate though. President Bush worked with the Democratic Congress when they won the majority in 2007. Passed some stuff I didn't care for. Like bailouts, minimum wage hikes, and increased spending measures. Obama should do the same and realize the voters sent a message two weeks ago. They won't the sides to work together.
What will happen now is a stag nation of any work getting done. Boehner may get pressures into suing President Obama. Additionally, Boehner may even get pressured into starting impeachment procedures that will prove to have no legal standing. Then there may be another government shutdown. However, this time the president will not compromise. He doesn't have to anymore. Our economy will take an unprecedented cataclysmic hit or downturn. The full Republican Party will be turned out at the next election, 2016. The Tea Party will set up its very own third party. The true Republicans will once more take control of their party like they should have all along. The skies will open the sun will shine and all will be right with right with the world!