Regarding stock market education, 'The Intelligent Investor' book by Benjamin Graham has often been considered the "bible" of the investing world. I've been doing a lot of research because I am ready to get serious about value investing and my future. Every portfolio manager and smart investor I have run into say that they read The Intelligent Investor at least once a year. And Warren Buffet has referred to it as the most important book ever written. If anyone here has read the book, what are your opinions on it? What is your advice to help get through the tough sections? Did it help you become a better investor? Benjamin Graham also wrote a lesser known book called 'Security Analysis.' If I recall correctly, he wrote Security Analysis first, and it is more technical. In a way, The Intelligent Investor is actually a condensed or abridged version of this original book. To me it seems like Security Analysis is more of a textbook than anything for business students or those serious about investing and who have moderate understanding in economics. Has anyone made their way through both books? What are your opinions of each? I can't help but want the insider knowledge that makes the best investors great.
Yes, I've read both. If you can only read one of the two for the foreseeable future, I'd start with "The Intelligent Investor".
FWIW, The Intelligent Investor is available in ebook form. Check your local library if your library offers the service. Jason Zweig updated the 1973 publication with added material in 2003. I recommend the Overdrive phone/tablet app if you have a choice, but your library may require you the use of something else.
I haven't read any book about investment but since I am a bank employee, I have a faint idea of what it's all about. As per my previous posts, investing in stocks takes a lot of knowledge and connections as well - to get inside information that is vital to your planned investment. I have a few stocks of our bank which was granted to me as a bonus. The value is $10,000 in current prices and probably will be more in the years to come. I cannot sell it though for it has a holding period of 5 years (only 3 years and counting).
I haven't read either.. maybe I'll grab one or both of them at some point. Thing is, if you have the time and want to read them then go ahead and read both. The more information, the better. I don't think anyone has suffered from reading too many good books.
Awesome! Thank you and I will look into the updated edition. In fact I think there are several editions (of course people find new ways to make money lol) so I will start with the newest first. I noticed that there are also updated editions of Security Analysis as well, including a very long foreward by Seth Klarman. So somebody out there is reading that amazingly long book. So basically it's about value investing. This makes a lot of sense since that's Warren Buffet's whole investing philosophy. The key is to get started as soon as possible since you have to hold on to a stock for years. About insider knowledge - does anyone know how to go about getting it as a non-banking person? I'm also not the type to be fake and "network" with people just for the heck of it, although I am very willing to participate and give back in things like workshops and investing groups. What are some that people have participated in?
I never read any book about investment, suffered loss, after that, I started working on Technical Analysis and Today, I believe on only 1 Philosophy, Money speaks with you, only your ears can hear that or not matters. In past, I was checking Balance Sheet, P&L A/C etc. today, I don't check anything except Technical Analysis. In fact, Technical Analysis can guide you about future of any country or quarter results of any stock. I'm F&O trader, so of course, my strategy differs from long term Equity traders. I believe, stock market is not about only making money. stock market is about everything, by learning Technical Analysis and by reading future, you can help your family as well as your country, as well as world. Stock Market is very big subject. it can teach you more than money.
I've read The Intelligent Investor, but I liked Charles Mizrahi's Getting Started in value Investing better. An easier read and Charles Mizrahi covers the subject of Value Investing in a way that makes real sense.
My advice would be to read as broad a base as possible, and take in the theories from as many different styles of investing as you can. One approach is rarely sufficient to be successful in the market. That said, Graham's tome is a classic for a reason, and should definitely be read by anyone wading out into the cold waters of the financial world. Just remember though, the market has changed since its first print, so it's not anywhere near exhaustive enough for anyone trading today. Just my $2.....
I have read out 'The Intelligent Investor' of Benjamin Graham. It is an excellent book. I think this book will provide a good guidance to the investors. The writer has written this book from his practical insights gained from real world investments and research works. Every investment analysts and portfolio managers should read this book.