Is karma real? I think it is. There's this story I heard about a man who betrayed his brother. The betrayed brother committed suicide and the living brother thought he would live happily ever after. Using his brothers money he started several business and he was well on his way to becoming a wealthy man but that's when he started having hallucinations. He thought his dead brother was haunting him and he died no more less than 5 years after his brother killed himself. Neighbors said karma had got the older brother. Anyway earlier today I was reading similar stories [which if they are true] confirm that karma is real. What do you guys think? Is karma real? Do you reap what you sow [so to say]?
I like to think that it is but some times it seems that evil people get away with everything. Bad things seem to always happen to good people. I know it some incidents where karma has happened and when it does it is well deserved. Nobody should get away with being evil and hateful and not have to pay for it eventually. I am not a vindictive person but I know there are some people that when karma hits I hope I am there to see it.
I think it is. I think sooner or later you will get yours if you choose to behave in an immoral way. I think it doesn't happen for everyone, but I think that they will either get justice in this world or he next. Also, if you acti lovingly toward others you are repaid as well, so yeah I think karma exists.
If you believe in Karma then you have to presuppose natural law. Meaning that you assume there is an inherent universal "good" and "bad" that's outside human experience. I believe natural law is important for organizing society, that there is a universal "good" and "bad" for people to live and function together. Murder is only bad because it hurts society, same with every other crime we came up with. I think the truth is good and bad are only constructs of humans, it doesn't exist outside our heads so how could karma?
If you believe, Science is real, laws of mathematics, physics etc. are real. then you automatically accepted Karmas are real. because, human organs are also machines, through which 1 power (some people call it spirit) generates results or produces something. If you want Mango, you will sow seed of Mango tree, not cactus.
there is 1 ancient story,During 600A.D. Debate in between Dnyana-Yogi Shankaracharya and Karma-Yogi Mandanmishra, very big debate, many western philosophers written books on this debate. At last, Shankaracharya won debate on 1 point. Shankaracharya's Question to Mandanmishra was , Shankaracharya : after birth, Human do his karmas, in return, what he get ? Mandanmishra : according to his good or bad karmas, Human gets heaven or hell Shankaracharya : what after that ? Mandanmishra : after that, he borns again on this earth to do Karma again. Shankaracharya : so by your Sankhya-Siddhanta ( Laws) , Karmas can't give freedom to human. ( because animal do karma too, but today they are like slaves of human) Mandanmishra : yes Shankaracharya : so you accepted, it's knowledge, which give freedom(Moksha) to human. It's knowledge, which separates human from animals. then, Karmas are inferior to knowledge. you proved my point. so, i won this debate. Mandanmishra : yes, I accept my defeat. Conclusion : If behind your Karmas, there is any appetite, greed etc. such Karmas are inferior. If your Karmas have no base of knowledge or spiritual education, such karmas are good. ( because, it's same like animals, they follow their daily routine) If your Karmas are based on knowledge, love which spreads positive energy everywhere, which help others to improvise themselves, same like Jesus, such Karmas are best.
You reap what you sow, but not in the form that this new age teaching of karma puts forth. Definitely not to the extent that "karma" goes. It's not true and it's not real. They're just made up stories to go along with the teaching.
I'm not really sure what I believe. Lets say someone bullied you in school, they leave school and get a successful job all that jazz, and then their life falls apart, like they lose their job, wife leaves them, ect. and that would be seen as karma. However had the guy not wronged you at all, would you still see it as karma?
Karma does exist but people tend to see it as something in the present. It exists in the past and the future, mainly in that karma is repaid only when the person will understand the consequences of their actions, so it can go on for several incarnations. Also karma is about rebalancing, so if someone did something unjust to you, but you did the same to someone else, then that balanced out the karma, even if different people were involved, or you have created your own adverse karma. It's not straightforward, but karma is rebalanced eventually, often subconsciously.
I think in this case, karma isn't the only thing that's real but guilt as well. As long as people have conscience I think karma is very real and possible. The bad could start a violent cycle in your different lives but so can the good. Always bring good morals, positive energy and optimism in your life and all will be well. Never do wrong like the brother, sometimes wrong actions have a way of catching up to you-- a great example is how mafia organizations are run.