Totems have been an intrinsic part of numerous cultures all around the world. From tribes in Africa to Samoyeds to Chinese and Native American cultures, totems have ben used for various purposes, from staving off evil spirits to bringing good fortune to a family and healing the sick. So what are your thoughts on totems and talismans? IS it just ancient mysticism? Or is there something else to it?
I always connect totems to Native Americans and I did not think they had any real specific meaning behind them. To me they look quite impressive in how they have been made and constructed, and if it has added benefits for the people that made them then that is also good. To me thought they can almost be considered a form of artwork.
You can look at these from many different angles and for example if you look at aesthetic side they really look impressive. I always liked them and thought that they had purpose to welcome guests or scare demons and bad ghosts because they looked impressive but also intimidating at times. I believe they were superstitious just as any other tribe so they had mutual fear towards totems.
From what i have read Totem poles don't have any religious significance. They represents their ancestors, history or events that have happened. I know that is when it comes to Native Americans but i am not familiar with the significance of Totems among other groups of people. The totems are very beautifully craved and have so much details. I have always been fascinated by them.
It's the first time I've heard about a "Totem" so I had to Google it. I don't have anything against these things because I think they're an important part of one's culture. Just like my belief in Feng Shui, I guess the use of Totems in the Native American tradition is already a part of their life and the beliefs they have as a community.
I think we all form connections to the powers around us that seem important. The modern form is things like fashion brands, favorite celebrities, muscle cars, Hello Kitty, or political parties. The only difference is that once upon a time the only real power was the natural world, and the only "brands" were species of animal and plant, maybe mountains or other geological features. Now things are so much more complicated and people paint themselves with Gucci and scent themselves with celebrity perfume in the hope of somehow being "cool enough" to placate the new gods.
I have friends that have taveled the world and have come back with objects that look like totem poles. They are extremely cool. The craftsmanship and art that goes in to them is remarkable.
Cultures have their traditions, and maybe they do hold some power, but personally I respect people's beliefs and that's it. Even in shamanism where there are totem animals as guides, they are symbolic only. I don't see them as harmful, but it's similar to a Christian wearing a cross.
It's not necessarily a Native American thing, though. Mayans, Incas and other civilisations used totems that were thought to be some sort of divine protection against evil. Chinese have their Feng Shui, which is a kind of totem, just a little smaller and sometimes, even more bizarre. Many African tribes have their own versions of totems that are said to bring success in the hunt. Maoris of New Zealand, the tribal people in the Indian Subcontinent like the Santhals and Mundas also have their own totems.
The Maori have a lot of deep beliefs about real and symbolic animals, but they do not have totems. That is they do not have specific animals attached to individuals or Iwi that symbolises them or is a particular guardian. They do not use animals as emblematic of themselves or their kin group. Totems as such are indeed specifically native American.