Has Donald Trump opened a can or worms by increasing imported steel tariffs? Bearing in mind that the majority of steel imported into the US comes from China, surely the Chinese government will see this as a direct challenge? Can we expect a tit-for-tat response from the Chinese on US imports to China - maybe far wider reaching than just one or two import sectors?
The word is that China will huff and puff but do nothing in the end and there will not be a trade war. However, if Donald Trump was to push things again then it might be a different ball game? I see the EU is now talking about lifting steel import tariffs to protect the EU steel industry.
Not just a trade war with China, but a potential trade war with Europe! Donald Trump did say that he would protect US businesses and it does look as though he is so far good to his word.
I am not sure that Donald Trump knows the can of worms he has opened Yes, the US is the most pwoerful economy in the world but the combined might of other leading economies introducing their own tariffs, well that is a different matter.
I believe, Patience is the most important thing Today. I don't think there is any trade war against China. If we focus on Emerging Nations and Poor nations rather than developed nations, then It is easy to understand, There are more better issues and moral issues which must get solved e.g. Climate change, Corruption, Poverty, Terrorism........ and wars will only create more poverty. So overall, US-China both economies has to face some common issues, Which might weaken USD and CNY both in future. If USD, Euro are weakening because of Economical development in other countries then this is not bad news for Global Economy. Population of Europe and US is well-maintained so Economical development is in favor of both and It will not create any refugee crisis for both. Maybe China has to face some serious issues in future but I believe Asians will solve these issues Peacefully. Xi Jinping is now King of China for unlimited period and As an Indian, I don't see this as threat. China has to face Serious issues in future and I think, Russia, US, EU, India, SE Asia all will try to help china and solve problems Peacefully. Once again, Today, Patience is most important thing for Global Economy and any country must not get greedy and start war against any country. BTW, Kim Jong Un wants to talk with Donald Trump is a good news and I hope this talk will get successful.
Is Donald Trump simply flexing his muscles so that he can say he was good to his word about import tariffs on the likes of steel? The US can no more afford a trade war with China than China can with the US or Europe with the US for that matter. In my view the economic area with most to lose is Europe which is already effectively in a trade war with the UK and unwilling to offer an acceptable post Brexit free trade arrangement. People forget that the UK buys more from the EU than the EU buys from the UK - financal services and cars are huge markets between the UK and the EU.
I am beginning to wonder whether DTs short term outbursts are part of his overall end game to shake up the establishment. He has put down a marker with the Chinese and by all accounts the Chinese government will huff and puff but they are unlikely to do anything in retaliation.
Odd pip chart is for China as key loops. A key for one loop is worth around pip. Net is never closed. China tolls roll with a term other than ' revision of taxes' and new term human resource % rate, %HR rate= Cash/Pip Head + Utility/ year+ constant number. Constant number is estimated every year care with piplical head. Piplical is an online trader.