... is up and running. I note the media on both sides of center have failed to mention same. I can understand the left, but Fox News? https://www.greatagain.gov
I'll be curious to see where Christie winds up now that Pence takes over. I think the splatter from Bridgegate will keep Christie from getting the AG slot. But Rudy Giuliani would be an excellent choice for AG.
Agree about Rudy G. Apparently Chris Christie was stacking up the ranks with his own loyalists... I certainly hope that Trump is only playing nice until Obama can no longer pardon Clinton - he really needs to make an example out of her re her crimes with the email server, the foundation, etc. It will harm his credibility and probably eventually bite him in the ass if he lets her off. In "The Art of the Deal" he claimed he was big on revenge... I hope this "enemies list" doesn't just consist of Republicans... if there are no dems on it - and he otherwise turns out to be just another bullshitter - I hope Cruz or someone else runs against him and wins in 2020. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...-enemies-placed-list-lindsey-graham/93523010/
It appears the Trump-Christie relationship is worsening. http://nypost.com/2016/11/13/trump-is-dumping-christie-over-bridgegate-insiders/