US plans to deport hundreds of undocumented families

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by baudwalk, Dec 24, 2015.

  1. baudwalk

    baudwalk Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    The US Department of Homeland Security is drawing up plans to round up hundreds of families who came across the southern border. Raids could begin as soon as January. The first (Washington Post) story above has collected ~3500 comments in the first 24 hours of publication. The second (Guardian) story expands the subject detailing the Democratic candidates objections. Frankly I'm surprised the Obama administration would pursue such a deportation plan. Then again, cynical me says the move is to steal Trump's thunder in the upcoming campaigns. Releasing the story immediately before Christmas undoubtedly has some tactical political moves associated with it. We'll have to see how the media plays this out. I wonder how quickly the MSM will pick thus up.
  2. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Definitely a move to try and take voters away from Trump. They see Trump as a threat... so better start doing what he does to get his supporters to turn to our side. Then we can sit in comfy offices, get paid well and do favours for our friends for a few more years.
  3. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    Those who are genuine asylum seekers should be allowed to stay, but there has been an ongoing issue with the illegals and how to deal with them in a humanitarian fashion. Many do wish to work, rather than flee for their safety, but it's costly and time consuming. Then what about the people who hire them? They enable them to stay.

    I know they are humans, but one can't just settle into a country without documentation when they feel like it. It may sound harsh, but it's a processing issue and basically if the paperwork isn't in order and there is no immediate threat in the home country then one should be deported.

    The Guardian is so left wing and rarely covers the whole facts of any story. I only read it to see what they choose to miss out, and thus misinform the readers.
  4. Susimi

    Susimi Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    I'm of the same view as most of you guys, this is nothing more than an action to try and steal some of Trumps thunder but I can really see it backfiring for the Obama administration, especially announcing it at this time of year.
  5. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    As much as I am pro-immigration and think the laws and procedures to get visas are stupid. The law is on the books, if law enforcement knows where illegal people are, they should be deported, end of story. It is not ´rounding up... it is capturing people who are breaking the law.

    I think the gray area is this, and I think Obama is mostly on the same page as me. We should not be expanding law enforcement specifically for this issue, since while it is a crime, for the most part it is a harmless one. To me, it is like hiring extra police to catch J-walkers. The money is better off spent enforcing more important laws. But if current law enforcement does know where they are, then it is almost a crime for them not to be arrested and deported. In a way it is like ¨don´t ask, don´t tell´.... if we don´t know where you are, we really aren´t going to look foryou, but if we do find you, you gotta go.

    I don´t think you guys are right about stealing Trump´s thunder for political reasons. Democrats would be better of not doing this, from a political standpoint.
  6. Scooby Snack

    Scooby Snack Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    Bold move.

    Glenn Greenwald has noted many times that more people have been deported under the Obama presidency than under the Bush regime. Of course, Greenwald casts that fact in a negative light.

    Isn't some of the controversy surrounding Trump about his stance on immigrants? Why would a mass deportation steal votes from Trump, I don't understand?
  7. kgord

    kgord Senior Investor

    Aug 2015
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    I am pretty sure this plan will be shot down and vetoed. I really don't see that happening. It certainly isn't going to happen over the Christmas holiday that is almost certain. Peace and Goodwill to all men and all of that stuff..these are the things that the government wants to focus on and have happen at least give lip service to.
  8. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I remember some years ago when my father-in-law took his oath of allegiance as a US citizen, he told me that there is a plan by the US government to deport illegal aliens. However, it would be selective because those with documents who can prove they have been in the US for more than 7 years can stay and will be given legal status. There is a local columnist (in Philippine newspaper) who said that Filipinos to be deported are so many that the US will need thousands of airplanes. And what about the Latino community? The US will be left with no workers for manual work.
  9. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    Because Trump talks about deporting people, and now Obama is actually deporting people, people may say ´why do we need Trump if Obama is already doing it´. As others have pointed out, Obama has already deported more people in 6 years than Bush did in 8 years. The difference is ´talk´.. The Republicans like to talk about it and scare people, but not actually do it. Obama actually does it but doesn´t talk about it ( mainly for political reasons). People seem to forget that Reagan is the one who basically set up the current system we have in place because he wanted to help farmers in southern California have cheap labor. He removed some laws and cut back on enforcment.
  10. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    This issue of deportation has been going on for years, long before Trump made it even more prominent. These things are decided and organized bu the agencies and takes years, so it's very unlikely they 'just decided' to do it, but have announced it publicly to show that these issues are being dealt with.

    There are numerous government agencies carrying out new legislation, but the media only hones in on certain ones. Many are carried out unnoticed.

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