Marijuana is a hot topic in many regions of the world including my country. However, since marijuana/ganja/weed has been known as an illegal drug in most countries, many persons are skeptical when it comes to discussions about its benefits. More and more researches are showing that there are numerous health benefits to be obtained from marijuana- hence the term medical marijuana. While some places have legalized marijuana, some countries/places are still hesitant to even permit it's use medically. What are your thoughts on it?
There are medicinal properties in Marijuana so it should be made accessible to the public. But the only issue that the US government truly has is the taxation. It was never about the illegal drug factor, because alcohol and cigarettes have been legal for decades. It was all about taxation and how the government was going to make money off of it's sale. In 2016 we are going to see the effects of a full year of legal recreational use of Marijuana in the state of Colorado. They are reporting massive profits from taxation and from that alone we should see a bunch of other states start looking at selling Marijuana so that local government can profit from it. Money has always been the issue. The dangers of over usage is there but overlooked when money is involved.
If Marijuana was illegal kids would take advantage of it a lot. I prefer a doctor just prescribing it to the patient and calling it a day.
If it helps the patients, then sure... why not? Everyone is fine with people using ADHD medication (usually amphetamine based or very similar to it) or morphine (opiate, made from same stuff as heroin) but they all get their panties in a bunch when we are talking about using marijuana medically.
The only reason medical marijuana is not legal in most places is because it takes profits away from pharmaceutical companies. If there is a natural substance, like marijuana, out there that will make a sick person feel better, then it should be considered within the medical community. If I was in pain, I would rather smoke some marijuana than take a hardcore chemical narcotic.
I say that it's honestly beneficial to the economy and the medical world. However, some people are making it out to be this ground breaking thing when in reality, it's really just supposed to mellow you out. I don't think it is really all that groundbreaking, but I don't think it's a bad thing.
I think marijuana should be legal everywhere. The plant is naturally occurring in the environment so why not? It's just like a vegetable. Ancient civilizations also use it in prayer rituals like the Navajo and Mayans. It's ridiculous how we can't get access to it these days.
I agree with you, for very different reasons though. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it should be legal... heroin is made from completely natural substances too. But I really don't see why marijuana is any worse than alcohol... quite the opposite. And lets be honest, making it illegal does two things. a) reduces the quality (can be dangerous to your health) b) makes it more expensive and not taxable (= profits go to criminal organisations instead of the governments) I spend a lot of time in the Netherlands (purely a coincidence, I do not like to smoke ) and I haven't seen any bad effects from marijuana being legal there. It actually just brings in tourists and a lot of people use marijuana instead of alcohol which is probably a good thing as in my opinion alcohol causes more problems.
i'm not opposed to ppl using the stuff - heck drink Draino if you like - but I find it funny how many of my friends are happy that their use of it is legal now because you know, they have persistent back aches without it. ;-)
Kids take advantage of it a lot as it is and it's still not completely legal. That's not a good point.