Today while surfing at a traffic exchange site, I saw, a domain name has been seized by U.S treasury and secret service.
Well gee, Ancient, I don't know exactly, but I'd have to assume that for starters, that would be any website being used for illegal purposes, treason, or things like money laundering, right? Anything that would be a threat to national security... probably quite a list.
Which website advertised on a 'traffic exchange (PTC)' will be used for counterfiet currency or treason or illegal purpose? They had disguised the link.
Well now, you didn't say what that website was, did you?! Not sure what you're asking, or why... it's pretty obvious what kind of websites can be shut down by the treasury department. You're the only one who had the information on which website you were talking about.
25% sites advertised on PTC websites are scams. $25 per click. $10 per email, 10 cents to 25 cents per click/ad, $75 per survey, hundreds of Bitcoin faucets etc..
Any website that is seized by the authorities is surely engaged with illegal activities. Over here, there are several sites that were shut down and the operators were arrested for engaging in the so called cyber sex. They have minors for the performers where the viewers pay a fee to watch the live sex show. That is not the first website that was seized here, there are also websites on drugs and other illegal activities.
Any one that they want. They make their own rules, without caring about people's rights. And they can come up with any excuse to label you a threat.
I'm sure any website can be shutdown if it is deemed a threat to national security. I don't know if the department of treasury or the secret service have the authority. But there are government agencies that do have that power, if need be.