Whаt is thе typiсаl dаy оf а dаy trаdеr?

Discussion in 'Forex - Currencies Forums' started by Benoit W, Mar 21, 2016.

  1. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Pоpulаr quеstiоn: Whаt is thе typiсаl dаy оf а dаy trаdеr?
    I knоw а lоt оf "dаy trаdеrs" whо trаdе viа еxpеrt аdvisоrs - mеаning thеy spеnd nо timе trаding but аllоw thеir аlgоrithm tо trаdе fоr thеm sо 10 minutеs.
    Thеn yоu hаvе trаdеrs whо spеnd 1-6 hоurs еасh dаy еithеr trying tо find signаls оr trаding tо mаkе prоfit viаblе fоr thе dаy.
    It rеаlly dеpеnds оn yоur skill lеvеl аnd ассоunt bаlаnсе аnd lеvеrаgе in my оpiniоn.
  2. TaurusHorns

    TaurusHorns Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    I have a day trader in the family, his life is this on/off mesh of going to exotic locations on the money he's made and using his good spirits there to keep him working for enough money to make to return home on. His family is here so he doesn't want to permanently relocate, but he spends most of his year elsewhere trading away
  3. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    From what I hear about forex traders, they are always on the go since their clients are the moneyed citizens who are always away. There was a trader (a friend of a friend) who traveled all the way to Hongkong in pursuit of a big client who told him to meet there. It's good that the big client is not a scammer. Traders having offices near ours in the business district are like ordinary employees who works in the office with their computers although sometimes they go out on official business in some other buildings nearby.
  4. rz3300

    rz3300 Guest

    Feb 2016
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    Well I would really have no way of knowing personally, but I do have some friends who are traders and I think that I can guess what their days entail to a certain degree of confidence. I do know that they are busy all of the time, and I would assume that a lot of it is spend on the computer doing research on companies. As far as how much of the day I cannot say though.
  5. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    I am not use ea in my trades and often work as swing trader than day trader, but I knows some person which they already treat forex as full time business and can tradng for living, but I am still treat as part time so far, forex tradng is challenge business which required good understanding with the market behaviour and many factor more
  6. tskier01123

    tskier01123 Member

    Apr 2016
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    There are a lot of great documentaries on youtube. Unfortunately, I can't post any link or I'd link you to a few. Search around, though, you'll find some great ones. Wall street warriors is good, and if you do a google search for Kath Lien you'll get some great info from a professional. I imagine it's more hectic than even these documentations show, and WAY more hectic than I could ever imagine!
  7. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    In my trades usualy use high leverage because only treat forex as part time and still not use huge capita and only trade with small capital only, but I am manage my account with manual trading and not use ea, I am ever tried out use certain ea but what hapen is get loss more and then eventualy back to manual trading again
  8. Linda Smith

    Linda Smith Senior Investor

    Dec 2019
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    You must need to learn of Forex trading if you want to make a good profit and if you want to make a simple trading career easily. There is no chance of trading with any short-cut way. The trading strategy you should choose carefully as per your trading needs. TP Global FX is a commercial broker that is very popular for providing different and effective training of Forex learning. I have learned from the webinar class.

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