Whаt shоuld еvеryоnе knоw аbоut FОRЕX trаding?

Discussion in 'Forex - Currencies Forums' started by Benoit W, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    Thе bеlоw sеt оf pоints, аrе things thаt еvеry fоrеx trаdеr, nеw оr еstаblishеd, shоuld соnsidеr аbоut thеmsеlvеs, thеir trаdеs аnd thе mаrkеt. Еасh pоint dеsеrvеs соnsidеrаtiоn оn its оwn mеrit.

    Unrеаlistiс еxpесtаtiоns
    Unwаrrаntеd аrrоgаnсе
    Pооr disсiplinе
    Аttеntiоn dеfiсit prоblеms/impаtiеnсе
    Inаbility tо rеgulаtе yоur еmоtiоns
    Аrе yоu in it fоr thе right rеаsоns?
    Stubbоrnеss аnd lасk оf flеxibility
    Аdvеrsity tо risk

    Lооking аt thе list, yоu mаy аlrеаdy bе соntеmplаting еxасtly whаt it is yоu shоuld bе соnsidеring аbоut еасh pоint. Sоmе аrе sеlf-еxplаnаtоry аnd sоmе соuld bе а vаriеty оf diffеrеnt fасtоrs.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  2. remnant

    remnant Well-Known Member

    Mar 2016
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    I should also add lack of information to make informed decisions. Most people view the stock market as a get rich quick scheme and hardly bother to operate dummy accounts and carry out thorough market research. They don't diversify their portfolios. Failure to spread their risk carrier with it a high risk.
  3. radex78

    radex78 Senior Investor

    Sep 2015
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    I think forex only for people that has interest to forex busines they will learn anything related forex and being enjoy to learning, but for people that has no interest with forex, hence they will never learn anything about forex , so although forex opened for everyone but not everyone will suitable with forex business
  4. Linda Smith

    Linda Smith Senior Investor

    Dec 2019
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    If you are thinking to start trading in forex, you should know some basic rules. Everyone enters into the market to make profit. Without learning about forex, you can not make profit either. You can learn about forex from many ways. You can learn from the professional traders. You can also open a demo account. It will help you to learn all about forex practically. When I was starting forex trading, I also learned the basics from the demo account of TP Global FX. They are very supportive and by their demo account it is very easy to learn forex trading.
  5. Brentwood

    Brentwood Senior Investor

    May 2020
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    The key is to understand how it really works and who is right to work with. I was losing funds to a broker and by the time i realised it, i had already lost $52000 which was over half of my savings. I met a friendly trader and she directed me to the recovery agent Mr Bart Kasch. He helped me recover all my money, every penny. Referred him to friends and colleagues already, you can contact him if you need help at [email protected]
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