What do you want for the future?

Discussion in 'The Cocktail Lounge' started by Rosyrain, Jun 10, 2015.

  1. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    I am frustrated right now because it just feels like my life is in limbo. I am having personal issues with my other half so I don't know where I will be a year from now even. I have learned that I just need to start focusing on what I want in life and let the pieces all fall into place the way they are supposed to in the end. Not my ideal way to live, but at least I won't be stuck with no plan in the end.
  2. dianethare

    dianethare Senior Investor

    May 2014
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    I wouldn't mind starting a family...although am not that desperate, am looking forward to investing in REITs so that I can live a comfortable life, way ahead :)...still I don't want to stress myself thinking about the future now, baby steps in the right direction, will get me there somehow :)
  3. lstryhrn

    lstryhrn Active Member

    Aug 2015
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    I want to get enough money and move to Alaska to get away from society. This place is getting worse. Just want to have enough money to live off of for the rest of my life.
  4. Rosyrain

    Rosyrain Senior Investor

    Apr 2014
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    I was just talking to a friend about the subject of living off the grid and how fun it would be. Alaska would be an excellent place to live because there are so many untapped resources up there and you could live for quite cheap.
  5. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    I want my own house and a simple car. I want it situated near a beach or in the mountains. That's all I really want-- I always thought I could be a hunter-gatherer type so living alone was always in my mind. Having a family would be just an additional benefit. I want a lot of books too I can't stand doing nothing. I don't need a lot of money I just want to live the way I want.
  6. mooray

    mooray Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Instead of being stressed, you should actually be glad that you re-evaluating your life. Trust me, there are people who wouldn't care less about the future. What I want is simple; genuine friends, vast wealth and a good health.
  7. JoeTneal

    JoeTneal Member

    Sep 2015
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    As of right now in my life, I can tell you that in the near future, I want to be debt free. Over the last years, I was the run of the mill person swiping plastic for crap that I didn't necessarily need. Now I owe the people, and I owe the debt. I finally realized that giving away most of my money on a monthly basis paying for crap I didn't need is for the birds. I want to be debt free. Once I accomplish this, I want to invest. I want my money to work for me. I want to make money while I sleep. I want to live on the beach, on an island. I want to take vacations on a beach, on an island. I want to travel the world. I will even consider traveling to a spot that is cold if it is cool. I can visualize the future, and it is bright. But for right now, I will give my money to the people that gave me crap on plastic. And once complete, the plastic will be recycled and the green will be beautiful.
  8. Yosh

    Yosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    Thinking about it, since my last post, there have been a good few changes in my life. At the moment I want to be able to live out comfortably and pay off my last few debts. Once I can get those done, I'm sure things will begin to work out more in my favour (i hope :) )
  9. Nox

    Nox Guest

    Aug 2015
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    After finishing my degree I always thought that what I really wanted to do was work in a high pressure, high energy job and hopefully make lots of money and that would make me happy. Fast forward a few a years and today I really think I just want to be happy and content.

    As exciting as a high pressure job is, sometimes I wouldn't mind a much simpler life, out on a farm or in the countryside. I live just as far from the big city as I do from the countryside. After seeing both sides of the fence, I find people who live a simpler life are a lot more content. My hope is that working hard now and managing my money wisely now, will hopefully lead to that simpler country lifestyle in the end, in the form of an early retirement.
  10. AtlantaSports

    AtlantaSports Senior Investor

    Feb 2015
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    You better get comfortable with animals then haha.

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