Which is better

Discussion in 'Commodities Forum' started by JaydonTyler, May 19, 2014.

  1. Brad321

    Brad321 Active Member

    Sep 2014
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    Jaydon, I never tell people what to do with their own money, but I can give you some things to think about so you can make an informed decision that works for you.

    Gold trades in its own little world. It is worth what somebody thinks it is worth. Silver, on the other hand, is BOTH a precious metal traded as de facto currency AND an industrial metal with many and varied uses. When precious metals are out of favor, silver will still be in demand for its superior performance in many industrial and medical applications.

    Don't worry about how much you can buy of each one. If gold suits your needs, buying an ounce of gold could make more sense than the corresponding 70 ounces of silver. It is all about what you are trying to accomplish. Some want price appreciation and have a specific time frame in mind. Gold is often used to PRESERVE wealth and not necessarily to create it. Gold acts as a hedge against inflation. I'm sure you have heard the term "flight to quality" and you will see gold rise when you have a corresponding rise in interest rates and inflation.

    First you need to define your goals. Will you possibly need to liquidate your investments in a year or two or is this money that is set aside for retirement many years down the road? Are you trying to grow your bankroll or are you trying to preserve what you have already made? What is your risk tolerance? Are you willing to lose a large portion of your investment in order to possibly make a larger gain or are you content with smaller gains and the knowledge your principle has little risk?

    Define your goals and the silver and/or gold (or neither) question will answer itself. You can't go wrong taking possession of a little silver at these prices and how you assess your other requirements will determine the rest.

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