"White Lives Matter" Rally In Philadelphia

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rainman, Jun 6, 2015.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    Disgraceful stuff.


    The protesters had gathered to protest what they felt was police inaction following the attack of four white women by four black women who were labeled "terrorists" and thugs. The attacks they [the protesters] believe were racially-motivated but it is unclear why the women were fighting.

    Hmmm? Now we have protests when women of different races fight each other?
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
  2. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Maybe next thing we can have is a protest to try and put a stop to all these protesters protesting?

    Seriously though, it's getting a bit ridiculous now, people will make a stand about anything and everything these days, most of the time it's not even worth commenting on to be honest.
  3. Onionman

    Onionman Senior Investor

    Dec 2014
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    I sometimes think the history of and struggle behind protest movements get belittled when you get stories like this. Even if the accused had done wrong (and they very may well have), the idea that some weird fringe group can try to turn it into a bigger issue is really scary. They are doing "protest" a disservice.
  4. Samu Zadori

    Samu Zadori Member

    Jun 2015
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    The idea of a certain group "hijacking" an issue, or using it to advance their cause instead of trying to find a proper solution is a troubling sight indeed indeed. But keep in mind that the right to protest is an important feature of any democracy, as it ensures the voice of the people will be heard. So I personally find nothing wrong with the number of protests, even if I don't agree with their messages all the time.
  5. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    You're right. The right to protest is a sign of democracy. But sometimes some people abuse this right and go way overboard their actions. Some protesters have ridiculous reasons for doing such an act when they could fairly solve whatever their issue is over a peaceful meeting. Sometimes I think protests are just made to catch the media's attention.
  6. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    The racial tensions in the country is yet another Obama success story. Instead of calling for cooler heads to prevail, he's either step into cases he had no busy pontificating about or turned a blind eye to the matter. He's hoping it settles down, but we're in for a long, hot summer. You know, the season in which riots generally occur.
  7. JR Ewing

    JR Ewing Super Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 2014
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    A woman identified as a victim of the attacks in WPVI’s segment says that her assailants yelled “white [expletive] we’re gonna [expletive] you up!” while they “pounded” her inside her home, and a man says that he was attacked on his doorstep by the same women.

    IF that is in fact true, it was an obvious hate crime. But of course it wouldn't be charged as such unless the races of the alleged victim and alleged perpetrators were reversed.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2016
  8. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    I never thought I'd see the day when white people will start protesting and banning together to fight off racial targeting. It was always the black people trying to make a stand and make it well known that these things happen all the time. Now white people are doing the same. Who's becoming the minority now?
  9. Jason76

    Jason76 Well-Known Member

    May 2015
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    People are pretty viscous to minorities. If your a fish out of water things can be very tough. Of course, alot of times whites are also minorities. It should be expected that eventually some whites are going to get sick of racism directed at them. However, in a lot of places nobody really cares. For instance, there was a lot of anti-American feeling in South Korea. A lot of mean remarks and whatnot directed at Americans, but nobody cares. Generally speaking, the ESL teachers and soldiers are payed well so it's not really worth it to complain about racism. It seems weak on the part of the victim. Another factor is present especially with soldiers, and somewhat less with teachers. They're expected to present a tough image.

    However, Iv'e always wondered about this subject. I have many black friends, but it seems like they can complain about racism without being labeled weak or complainers. I suppose this situation exists because they've a long history of oppression, mostly at the hands of the white majority. Any racism against whites, on the other hand, just seems like karma. Were there any major cases since Roman times of white people being enslaved?:rolleyes: When was the last time American cities were bombed? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2015
  10. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    As another forum member noted elsewhere slavery didn't cease to exist. Only it's form changed. In the past people would be owned by individuals. "Today" the corporations own their workers and treat them as they please. Racism is propagated so people will keep distrusting and fighting each other and never have time to analyze . . . and realize that they are being used by the Corporate elite.

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