Surely we should not be expecting to see Pepsico so strong in light of the ongoing trade war? 11 July 2018 Edited Transcript of PEP earnings conference call or presentation - Thomson Reuters StreetEvents 10 July 2018 PepsiCo Reports Slowing Decline in Beverage Sales - The Wall Street Journal
I would have thought this kind of US product would be top of the agenda for those looking to hit the US with tit-for-tat trade tariffs? Quite a decent bounce from $95 in May.
This is a tricky one because my head says Pepsi would be an obvious target for trade tariff increases around the world but the share price is suggesting a much more bullish scenario. At the end of the day, it is probably more sensible to follow the money. However, if things get carried away there may well be an interesting short position scenario?
Cracked it! Once the shares broke the $110 barrier that was it, next stop $120 but after that, who knows?
Looks like reality is starting to hit home. The shares have fallen through 2 out of 3 trend lines and it looks like the tide has well and truely turned. Anything to do with trade tariffs?