Just look at the strange price action at the end of the day (January 2) and after hours. Verizon $VZ said the other day they weren't interested in something not for sale. Some private equity firms were rumored to be interested a short while ago. Let's see what happens now.
They waited too long for this. I'm sure right now they won't be selling the company or part of it at least for the same price they would have a few years back. I suppose though if Facebook, Google and maybe Apple decide they are interested outbidding each other would be great for Yahoo.
Yahoo co-founder David Filo and I grew up just a few miles from each other. I run into him once in a blue moon, and you would never guess he's a billionaire. He's still their largest shareholder as far as I know.
I guess your friend David Filo is wondering what Yahoo is doing these days. Shortly after the chairman said "sell" CEO Mayer says "turnaround and by the way a 15% layoff...". Pick a strategy, any strategy. If I had a strong stomach I'd short this thing.
Yeah, that would take a really strong stomach, all you would need is some rumor of a potential buyer and you´d be screwed. Yahoo is similar to Twitter in that it gets a ton of eyeballs, but just doesn´t have an inhouse way to monetize. For the past few years I was thinking MSFT would be the buyer because they had a very complex deal in regards to bing and advertising.. but then they had a huge falling out and MSFT would probably wait for the crows to come before trying to buy the pieces.
This is yet one of the said strategic plans of Yahoo to get the company back on track since its competitors such as Google has gotten way over it for the past few years. Around 9000 employees are going to be layed off aside from the sales of other Yahoo services. Let's wait and see whether the moves they are making would really save Yahoo in the long run.
He's still part of the picture there.