Your Say on Islamic Migrants

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by gracer, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    Good question. What will they do once they are healthy and capable of moving on. Do they get a free pass for the time being, or are they going to be shipped back to a neutral place in the native countries?
  2. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    That is a question left to ponder upon. They aren't guilty until proven otherwise. They need to take extreme care if they decide to help these people beyond that of hospitalization. A mole perhaps?
  3. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    You obviously have never seen any of the poorest countries. The large majority of these illegal immigrants are from Africa (and not the parts that are doing ok) and from the middle east, mainly Syria right now for obvious reasons. Things like being born in a hospital and having a school to go to are luxuries in some of these places. So you can often forget about birth certificates, school records and ID cards... those are for the "wealthy" in those countries, and they are obviously not the ones who are willing to risk their life to get away.
  4. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    If you've watched the news lately, you might have heard Angelina Jolie's plea for help for the Syrian refugees in a UN forum. She actually has a point and I was even touched by her speech on the sufferings of these people. Are we really putting on a blind-eye when it comes to these people?
  5. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    There are over a billion muslims in the world. There are probably less than 10,000 terrorists. Not sure if you are from the USA, but an exact numerical comparison would be like saying all Evangelical Christians are members of the KKK ( which is a religious organization that teaches from the Bible). Muslims view ISIS and terrorist the same way most Evangelicals view the KKK.
  6. Penny

    Penny Well-Known Member

    Jun 2015
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    Another word for "Muslim immigrants" is "immigrants". I am an immigrant myself and I damn sure do not thing my atheist should be held against me, or some one else's religions be held against them. The name for that is prejudice. If it wasn't the nation would be terrified of men fitting the profile of the last few shooters: nominally Christian singe white male losers.
  7. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    I believe this would solve the problem. The crisis exists because no European nation is willing to take the action that needs to be taken. Meetings are of little use if they don't discuss the only way to bring the crisis to an end. Follow the Australians example. Make the migrant boats/ships turn away while they are still in international waters.
  8. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    I think it's got to a point now here in the UK, that we need to just close the borders to everyone. There are millions of people living here without the right paperwork, and so a priority needs to be to be able to get rid of them, before we start looking at who else we let in.
  9. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I can´t speak for Europe, but in the USA, people should go back and read old old newspapers from 1900-1920 and again from 1870-1890. In the first group, you have Italians and Irish.. If you have italian ancestory ( I do).. you will almost be insulted if not repulsed by what was being said about Italians and Irish back then... little more than animals. In the 1870s, it was asians... and in the not so distant past, it was in the 1960s and 1970s with the vietnemese ´boat people´.

    You have to read newspapers back then to understand that what is being said about muslims now is nothing different than has always happened when there is an influx of immigrants from a certain group. The USA absorbes them, thrives, and is a better place because of them. Does anyone not think the USA is better because we have italians, irish and asians who came to us poor? It is like medicine.. it is a bitter pill to swallow, but it makes you better.
  10. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    I spent a quite a bit of time after reading this looking at old newspapers from 1890-1915 (not as easy to find as you might think.)
    Not much about the anti-immigration sentiment thus far. However I am really shocked at the deaths and violence in the news back then. It's an order of magnitude worst then now. 12 people being killed in a train wreck and bar fights where people are killed by repeated bludgeoning is common news...

    Anyways, I grew up in an area that had a large Italian population. Unfortunately that newspaper is only available on microfilm at the library itself.
    But anecdotally I have heard they were disparaged as immigrants in the past. It's why most of them took up construction or organized crime, they only two jobs available to them at the time.
    If any lesson is to be learned from this, is that when you marginalize groups they will turn to crime. Most Western countries existing populations are not reproducing fast enough so we have to rely on immigration. Since you can't discriminate immigration based on race/religion, you get one of two choices:
    1) assimilation
    2) problems

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