Your Thoughts On Left Hand Path Religions?

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Rainman, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    These are the religions [like paganism] which embrace the darkness. The left hand path is all about the self. Trample on everyone as long as you get what you want. But in addition to that their worship might involve illegal religious practices and rituals. The offering of sacrifices either humans or animals isn't uncommon.

    What do you think of these religions?
  2. TheApollonian

    TheApollonian Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    I don't know... what kind of followers do they have? If they sacrifice people then won't they be considered as murderers and their religions as cults? And why in the world is left handedness considered evil?

    Perhaps on the softer side of these religions they promote the self as God because if you think about it God is in us, with us and all around us. I guess you can't ignore them altogether because there are valid points about the virtues of selfishness but still murder and animal sacrifice is definitely wrong and evil no religion should follow that practice and if they are they should be condemned.
  3. ScooterBrandon

    ScooterBrandon Senior Investor

    Jun 2015
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    I had to look up this left/right hand business.
    Looks like a lot of non-sense and BS to me, it's all just made up fantasy mumbo jumbo.
    Categorizing yourself or following this stuff in my own opinion is just a big waste of time, non of it is real.
    There is no such thing as magic, why do so many people follow this in this day and age of knowledge and reason is beyond me.
  4. AtlantaSports

    AtlantaSports Senior Investor

    Feb 2015
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    Paganism and Wicca are scary things to deal with. So is Satanism that actually takes on the act of worshiping the devil and not that modern day teenager being edgy BS. There's an evil side to everything and I promise it's just as real as the good side.
  5. Hyperion

    Hyperion Well-Known Member

    Aug 2015
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    Yeah, stay away! Don't associate with those people at all. Worshiping an evil entity is very dumb. Evil is intelligent, much more so than people. Watch some videos on YouTube about satanists. They are giant losers who have allowed themselves to believe in all sorts of confused, nonsensical ideologies.
    I thought it was funny that one of the counter-protests to the anti-planned parenthood protest involved a group of satanists pouring milk on women. You'll often hear them say that people have 'the wrong impression' about Satan and that he is really a being of love and understanding. This is so had to hear because it is literally Satan's number one ploy to present himself as 'the good one'. His former name before he was Satan was 'Lucifer' which means 'Angel of Light'. Satanists are pawns of a very dangerous entity.
  6. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    If someone is into them, more power to them. But I find it pretty uninteresting. That and it seems really "woo-woo" which turns me off. However, to each their own.
  7. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    There is a sect here that is more appropriately be called a cult because the leader is a sex maniac who killed his wife in order to pursue his womanizing. Unfortunately, there were evidences pointing to the murder and he was arrested after months of hiding. Now, what do you call that religion? It has thousands of followers and in fact the guy was elected congressman vice his mother who used to be congresswoman - elected because of their numerous followers.
  8. chandra46

    chandra46 New Member

    Aug 2015
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    The so called left hand path as practiced these days is perverted distortion of the symbolic words used in Tantrik texts. So joining of Kundalini with Shiva in sahasra symbolically indicated by word Maithuna is distorted by taking literal meaning of the word which is coitus and so on.
  9. crimsonghost747

    crimsonghost747 Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Ehh.. paganism was a term originally used to describe pretty much anyone who wasn't a Christian. I guess there is some logic that non-Christian very fast becomes a devil worshipper or something like that... but that is far from the truth. Nowadays it's mostly nature-related religions that are identified as paganism... and I personally don't see paganism as evil at all. Sure there are some groups that worship evil goddesses but that is a small minority.

    To be honest, the OPs words of basically going "paganism = evil" reminded me of what ISIS is doing which is basically "not my religion = evil".

    At least certain pagan beliefs originate from something real. Such as worshipping the sun (it gives life to the planet) or trying to be one with nature like we were back in the days before building massive cities etc.
  10. JoshPosh

    JoshPosh Guest

    Sep 2014
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    Or how about eating the flesh and drinking the blood of a man every Sunday? Would that be considered evil? I'm sure cannibalism is illegal in more countries but through transubstantiation bread and wine has actually turned in to flash and blood.

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