If worst comes upon you {monetary wise}, would you promote porn or other dark stuff?....i just had to ask Ever had that situation of being between a rock and a hard place and the only option around you is darkness...and it beckons you to choose it....would you choose or not choose...? Don't be rash/quick to answer..kindly think through...
What do you mean by "dark stuff"? But whatever it is, I would obviously try to stay away from anything illegal. Apart from that, it's a question about how much you need the money? In the end you will have to get food on the table so if you are left with little options then you gotta do what you gotta do.
I agree - I'd definitely avoid illegal activities. The risk is not worth it. As far as anything else, I suppose that's a personal decision. With the internets and it being such a small world and all, you may also want to consider how something might work against you career-wise in the future if you get involved in legal but controversial activities that much of society might frown upon. It usually takes years to build a reputation, but it can sometimes take only a brief moment to destroy it.
Opinions appreciated i must say ...i need to go back to the drawing board and look at all other options that remain... exhaust them, and see how it goes
"dark stuff" meaning... drug dealing, joining the mafia...e.t.c but all of it is illegal and i might get burned...so i'll back off and look for other methods {legal of-course}
Maintaining your financial status or an order of survival? Obviously, I'd rather have less than do something bad but I doubt anyone would refuse in a survival situation.
This is a rather vague question, if I must admit, but I really think that it depends on the morals of the person who is in a rut. I would not do that, but that is just me.
I wouldn't mind it if I knew I could make money with that sort of stuff for certain. Pornography itself is very saturated so I don't know if it is even worth the effort.
Define "dark stuff" ... If you mean illegality, no, I wouldn't do it. I value my freedom, property and good name too much to even consider it. Even stupid laws, and there are plenty of them, need to be obeyed for those reasons. If you mean legal things that are considered scuzzy by some, I'd say it really depends on what the actual act is and how it might impact me and my family. For example, I have owned stock in companies some consider controversial (e.g., weapons systems, etc.) and don't see anything wrong with that. I'm sure there are things and industries I wouldn't get involved in regardless of how much cash was on the table, so I'd have to make a judgement call on a case by case.
I don't get...the question is vague in what way?!... i thought its some how easier to understand?...kindly guide me through...what would you prefer i'd elaborate?