Zuckerbergs Suggestion On How We Can Get World Peace

Discussion in 'Politics Discussion' started by Rainman, Feb 29, 2016.

  1. Rainman

    Rainman Senior Investor

    Jun 2014
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    If you want world peace you need to share more Facebook. That's Zukcerberg's advice.

    Has Facebook made the world more understanding? Made people more tolerant when terrorist are actually using the site and other social media sites to spread their hatred, recruit more terrorists?
  2. SteakTartare

    SteakTartare Senior Investor

    Mar 2014
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    Call me a cynic if you like, but I have zero doubt this is a pipe dream. The sad story of the human experience is that we also find ways, and justifications, to harm one another. Maybe someday will get past the barbarism that has so marked our species, but I'm not holding out hope that Facebook blather is the key to that. And, yes, the terrorists have most certainly be leveraging social media for their warped agendas.
  3. kgord

    kgord Senior Investor

    Aug 2015
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    Well not everyone is online, and when people do post stuff that is personal to them, their "friends" don't always appreciate it. I mean most people tend to have a wide circle on facebook and many are just casual friends, acquaintances or people they haven't even met. I don't think it is necessarily a good idea to share your inner world with everyone who is on your friends list.
  4. pwarbi

    pwarbi Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    To say that the answer to world peace is Facebook is going a little far if I'm being honest but I guess if you've made your fortune from a site such as this, your going to say anything to promote it.

    This sounds more like an advertising pitch rather than a serious statement and I don't believe even him would a actually believe these comments, even though it's him that's said them!
  5. petesede

    petesede Guest

    Dec 2014
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    I think twitter and social media have been used by terrorist groups, and certainly hate groups like the KKK use it extensively.

    But overall, I think Zuch is going with the idea that most hate groups don´t even know individuals in the groups they hate. Hate groups operate in vacuums, in echo chambers, in forums where they listen to nobody else but people who share their ideas, they watch nothing except that which reinforces what they already believe.

    If you use facebook to connect with people outside your sphere... maybe you don´t hate blacks as much when you watch some dad´s proud video of his daughter singing at a christmas concert.. maybe you don´t hate muslims as much if you see pictures of a family working a food line at a homeless shelter in Detroit.

    It is an idealistic dream, but it is built upon real world evidence.. most racist, xenophobic people have no personal experiences with people they hate.
  6. Corzhens

    Corzhens Senior Investor

    May 2015
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    Isn't that statement of Zuckerberg with an obvious selfish motive? It would have been a good one if another had said that but to come from the owner of Facebook, I think that is out of line. And I don't believe it to be true - getting world peace because of social media. In fact, as I had seen in a post above, social media is being used by ISIS and some other terrorist groups. There was a case where a kidnap-for-ransom gang negotiated for the ransom using Facebook. Maybe that statement of Zuckerberg is just a joke and not to be taken seriously.
  7. gracer

    gracer Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    I'd have to agree with what most of the previous posters have said. This could just be another way for the owner of Facebook to actually promote his site. As what the others said, social media including Facebook are sometimes being abused by groups or individuals with nothing in their mind but to promote hatred and chaos. It is an easier way of reaching people and sending their messages to their target market. This is why I hardly even post anything on my Facebook account, I just usually browse and like some posts that my friends have posted but I don't use it as a daily diary about the things I do, which is what most people do.
  8. Scooby Snack

    Scooby Snack Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    Zuckerberg is a buffoon who shouldn't be listened to on any matters of true importance. This is the man who is colluding with the German government to silence criticism of Angela Merkel's disastrous immigration policies (under the guise of stamping out "hate speech"--so broad a term), while turning around and saying that America should follow in Germany's footsteps, because it's the right thing to do.

    He can piss off, for all I care. He has no idea what he's talking about.
  9. Alex

    Alex Senior Investor

    Apr 2015
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    He lives in his own bubble because the reality is world peace is possible, but not right now. There will always be land disputes and that's how many conflicts begin. Weapons will always exist now, so we as a society make it harder for peace to happen. As for using the internet, it's merely a quick and cheap way to communicate; people can make more profits and also hide behind an alias. How does that help world peace?
  10. Scooby Snack

    Scooby Snack Well-Known Member

    Nov 2015
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    When you have billions of dollars, and thus don't have to worry about the day to day drudgeries of life that the other 99% of the population have to deal with, it is easy to get swallowed into a bubble. I don't even disdain the rich like a lot of Leftists seem to, but Zuckerberg in particular has the ignorance and naivete that sometimes comes with privilege in addition to the pretentious posturing of the Progressive (Regressive) Left.

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